When I held the Sanctuary Stone in my hand, I felt a pulsing – a strong, rhythmic pulse that held me in its centre and emanated outwards in all directions. Like a star – only the stone was not the star, I was. The stone simply allowed me to feel myself at the centre of the Earth’s pulse.
We are coming into a time in the history of this Universe where we are beginning to understand – or should I say instead, beginning to remember – the importance of being in balance with both of these masculine and feminine energies. It is a time where we are seeing what happens when one energy is more dominant than the other.
Slaty Shale fascinates me. I was drawn to it the very first time I saw it. And well, I had to share with you. These stones came from Melody’s mine in Mt. Ida, Arkansas. The Slaty Shale Record Stone holds glyphic patterns comprised of Kaolinite and Iron.
These 13 Snakeskin Agate Stones shared a song with me. It was a bit of a personal message, and I hesitated in sharing that song. Not because it was too private, but because I didn’t think that anyone else would be interested in it. As strong as their pull was to me, so too was the “push” to share this song, despite my trepidations and insecurities. Ego can be just as strong in they shy.
So these special crystals are certainly not incomplete … they are open but yet still whole.It is in their “open” spaces that creation is possible. Would you call a space of creation, incomplete?
We come together to tell you something … to show you something … really to remind you of something you already know. When the outer form shifts and changes and breaks and transforms … nothing is lost … nothing is ruined … nothing is truly harmed. You are OK. You are whole. You are beautiful. You are a star.