Song of Rhodochrosite and Bytownite
Four crystals gathered for this song. Three different types of Rhodochrosite; a gemmy red tumble, an opaque pinker tumble – still the same “salmon” tone, but much lighter, a raw, deep Sweet Home Mine crystal and a raw Bytownite crystal chunk.
What is your song?
When the 3 of us [Rhodochrosite] are together you can see we are the same stone, even though, apart, we appear quite different. You see a regalness in our presence. What that is that you are seeing – and it is no co-incidence that this is a quality you wish to draw out in yourself – is trust in who we are. This complete trust comes across as regal confidence without arrogance. We do not flaunt our strengths, but we do not hide them either. We stand – [was going to say stand strong in who we are – but the message here is more this] …
We are fully who we are. We simply allow ourselves to BE. There is no need for explanation – or description – or protests – or concern for those outside ourselves to understand who we are. That understanding flows through more strongly without explanation.
“the words take away from our message”
The golden glow of our companion [Bytownite] illuminates our qualities softly. The contrasts are there without emphasis. There is no need to shout out that we are there. We are seen easily in the whisper of our tone … in the softness of our song. Even though there are more of us, our presence enhances the song of our golden companion.
In our trust of who we are, our companion glows softly, but brightly in who he is. We sing together in gentle harmony, yet each of our voices is heard clearly.
We do not struggle to be seen and heard. Our presence is known and felt in the ease of our being. Our energy is focused towards our beingness and so it constantly strengthens us. We are rooted in who we are without the ties of tireless shows of flash in competition for approval. These roots are not artificially woven, and so needing constant care and refortification. They are part of who we are and so cannot be broken or released. They bond us – not to any other outside our self – but to our beingness.
In that strength of beingness, all those who are beside us, are illuminated – not by our light which emanates with the power of a thousand suns, but by their own light which cannot be lost by the brilliance of the light of even a million suns.
In our own brilliance we see the brilliance of all other beings. This is the truth of beingness – of being true to who we are.
We see you. We see your light. We feel your warmth. We experience your full brilliance. We know who you are. … because we know who we are.
Stay … don’t run away. Look deeply at us and see your reflection. It is beautiful. You are beautiful.
© Song of Stones 2008