The energy of this summer, for me, has been about clearing and cleansing. A LOT of cleansing – both INSIDE AND OUT. My sense is that I’m not the only one experiencing this energy. It feels very much like a universal thing … the image that came to me was of that old detergent commercial […]
There are so few surprises in our lives. I mean “true” surprises – the good kind. The kind that makes our face break out into a smile. A real time smile – not a practiced one that hurts your cheeks – not an expected one. One that starts in the heart and moves through your […]
The intense heat this summer is affecting us all in many different ways. Some of us are feeling the effects physically and some emotionally, but we are feeling the effects. We may not realize that some of what we’ve experienced – are experiencing – is connected to the weather and the activity of the Sun […]
In the midst of planning a surprise party on two days notice, I found myself feeling so uncharacteristically peaceful and calm. I was completely “going with the flow”. I should have been worried about the guest list – about getting everything I need in time – about keeping the secret, but I was not. * […]
Life is ever-changing. When we like the changes we accept them quite easily. But when those changes cause us pain and sadness we are not so open to them. In fact, we often resist them with every fibre of our being and that just prolongs our suffering. We may be aware of this – even […]
Songs take you to another place. A place outside the noise and distraction of the mind’s criticisms and thoughts of gloom. They forge a pathway deep into your soul. It is a place of peacefulness. An alignment of harmony. A place where all parts of yourself converge into fluid unity. In that space you feel […]
During my years of working with the stone people, there have been times where I’m asked for crystals that are “pristine” and free from cracks or chips or inclusions for focussing energy. It seems especially important for the point of the crystal to be nick free in order to direct energy for healing work. I understand this and if […]
As the earth begins to warm in preparation for the new life that has been gestating over the cold winter months, she begins to show us what’s been hidden from our sight during those long grey days. It is subtle at first, sweet small buds, hints of new growth, small sprays of green. Then as […]
Holiday celebrations tend to bring out an array of emotions – that is especially true for this month’s heart day. Some of these feelings are: The hopefulness of deepening personal bonds; The excitement and anticipation of delicious food and lightened moods; The pleasure and surprise of giving and receiving gifts wrapped in pretty packages. But […]
As I moved closer to the day of the winter solstice, I began to wonder about it. I pondered the meaning of this special and sacred day. What was it – what did it mean – what was its importance – what was it that I was I feeling through the energy of this day? […]
Let’s talk about acceptance. It’s a word we use a lot, especially in “spiritual” circles. It’s one I often use in connection to the Stone Beings. You have heard me say over and over how loving the stones are and how they offer unconditional acceptance. But what does that really mean. What is it to […]
The pink stones were singing to me as I was relaxing into sleep one night. All of the pink ones seemed to glow a little brighter … they were whispering a song to me. The Pink Opal, the Rhodochrosite, the Thulite, the Bustamite, the Phosphosiderite, the Tugtupite, even the coppery Sunstone was showing me her […]