Hidden Abundance
As the earth begins to warm in preparation for the new life that has been gestating over the cold winter months, she begins to show us what’s been hidden from our sight during those long grey days. It is subtle at first, sweet small buds, hints of new growth, small sprays of green. Then as if from thin air colour bursts forth from barren ground and the land is filled with lush growth. It’s magical. It’s truly magical!
The Earth shows us her magic each spring and still we doubt the abundance that is there in our lives. We focus on what we don’t have and what we need and how much everything costs. We can be blind to the gifts that grow beneath our feet––LITERALLY!
The Earth showers us with her gifts of bright vivid tones and soft pastel petals and lush green carpets which carry the sky high natural cathedrals that shade us from the power of the fiery ball that warms the ground and allows new life to spring forth. There is so much there for us…so much to nourish our bodies, our minds and our souls…right there.
Abundance of Crystals
The beings of Crystal and Stone are one such gift from our earth mother. She showers us with a rich abundance and variety. They come in all shapes and sizes and a lavish assortment of colour and texture. They are also here to nourish us. In a different way perhaps than the plant kingdom, but no less powerfully.
Look to the Crystalline beings and allow them to show you the abundance that the earth showers you with. Look to the Stone beings and see that abundance is already yours.
Originally published: May 28, 2012