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Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones
Trinomy - Song of Stones


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Danburite is a very special crystal. Mother Nature and her fairy children created these gemstones with natural facets that playfully roll and bounce light in delightful ways. The presence of the elementals is often seen and felt in these stones. Danburite is truly a "fairy crystal"! I was blessed to receive a group of Danburite Crystals from Mexico that grew together with Calcite crystals. Some are partially covered in Calcite crystal growth and some are completely covered. Some may not have any visible Calcite crystals, but still hold carry the energy of the Calcite within them. These crystals were respectfully and lovingly hand harvested and this tender care shows through in their energetic vibration.

I took these crystals into the stillness and listened to their song - Danburite - Calcite Fairy Crystal Co-creation Song.

These Danburite Crystals sing in support of the powerful shifts that we are experiencing in connection to the blossoming of the feminine energies in this transformational year. These crystals reflect the integration of polaric energies - the masculine/feminine, the positive/negative, the yin/yang, etc. Their song is not so much about balancing these opposing forces as they are about harmonizing them. When we are in harmony with the masculine and the feminine energies within ourselves, something magical happens ... a new THIRD energy is created.  These crystals are here to teach us about this. They have come to remind us of the SACRED TRINITY within ourselves. They can show us how to be fully aware of AND in HARMONY with this inner TRINE!

I’d been trying to complete this listing for a while now. I just couldn't get it finished. It felt as if I was waiting for something and that finally came this morning. A revelation about SALT!  (And I remembered that Calcite, which is present in these crystals, is a SALT!)  What I discovered is that Salt is neither Acid or Alkaline but NEUTRAL. It immediately dawned on me that this is the STATE that these crystals guide us towards ... neither masculine or feminine ... but THE THIRD state ... the state of neutrality ... the state of true balance - of oneness ... the state of CREATION. It is a state of blissful harmony and true inner peace.  Nirvana ... Heaven ... whatever you want to call it. This transformational property of the Trinomies makes them Alchemy Crystals!

These crystals are also connected to the Twin Heart Star Song Crystals that came forward at the same time. The Twin Hearts sing of the feminine heart ... feminine love .. the original TRINITY. 

This listing is long, but there is so much connected to it.  I was finally able to complete it right after I finished a blog post about this TRINITY we speak of which is reflected in the stars ... literally!

Metaphysically Danburite

Danburite vibrates to the number 4 and is the astrological sign of Leo. Danburite has a softness that reminds me of powder and a clarity that reminds me of ice. It has beautifully shaped faces that have been smoothly rounded by mother earth. Its sides have sleek striations that seem to roll with the light giving it the quality of a faceted gemstone. Actually, Danburite has always seemed to me to be one of the mineral world’s naturally cut and polished gems. Danburite encourages us to let our ‘light shine’. It helps us to have a more flexible attitude, allowing us to maintain our personal identity while flowing with the structure of the world. It helps people to get along with others. Danburite is powerfully stimulating to the intellect, and helps us to be mindful. It can be used to facilitate motor capabilities and to provide catalytic action to the muscular structure.

The Trinomy Crystals

These Trinomy Crystals range in size from 1-1/2" to 3-1/4" (all are quite large - except for a tiny one.)  They are all priced the same regardless of their size. They guided their price which has a very special numerological significance. I will listen for the one who is singing for you.