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Snow Drop - Song of Stones
Snow Drop - Song of Stones
Snow Drop - Song of Stones
Snow Drop - Song of Stones
Snow Drop - Song of Stones
Snow Drop - Song of Stones
Snow Drop - Song of Stones

Snow Drop

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$9.00 USD
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$9.00 USD
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These beautiful stones are said to be Pink Epidote in White Scapolite. This is one of those stones that is sold under various names and descriptions, ie. Cinnabar in Quartz, Cinnabite, Cinnabrite and Rosalinda. I also found one source that says that the red inclusions are Piemontite. I have been guided to call them Snow Drop Stones, which is a variation of the classic Snow White fairytale. I'm doing this, not to add to the confusion of the stone's name, but to try to take the emphasis off of what it is or was or may be, and to focus on the beauty of the stone and its energy without labelling it.

Call this stone forth when you wish to let go of ties to labels that keep you held within a pattern of energy that you wish to release, in order to be who you truly are, rather than what you and others believed you to be. It is here to show us how to let go of what we have defined as beautiful and see the beauty in all things. It will inspire us to look for that beauty within rather than outside ourselves and in doing so let go of our need to be judged by the standards of others. It is the "beauty pageant complex" ... as a society we create a definition of what beautiful is and then we compete to try to achieve the beauty queen crown. Snow Drop comes to help us to see that this is what we are doing. She inspires us to stop trying to compete with an unrealistic physical definition of beauty that society has set and to create our own vision of what is beautiful. To see the truth of beauty and to see beauty in ourselves. The evil queen of the Snow White story used a mirror to judge her beauty. We can look to this Snow Drop stone and see the reflection of our true beauty.

These beautiful tumbles range in size from approx. 1" to 1-1/4". I will listen for the Snow Drop Tumble stone that is singing for you.