Shungite (or Shungit) is a rare, ancient stone, named for the only place in the world where it can be found - Shun'ga, Karelia, in the northern region of Russia. It is a non-crystalline metamorphic rock containing a very unique form of Carbon - the Fullerene or Buckyball. Shungite is said to be helpful in protecting us from undesirable energy emitted from the technology we are surrounded with in our daily lives - like cell phones, computers, tv, microwave, etc. The way I see it ... this stone being shares it's natural filtering property in such an open way as to remind us how to to filter any undesirable energies ourselves. It reminds us that we can do it too : )
It is wonderful to feel Shungite's special energy in it's raw form, but be prepared to get your hands dirty. The black dust doesn't shed as much with the River tumbled type but you will still have black hands from holding them. My hands did not get as black when I was handling these natural tumbles as they were when I was holding the raw crystal pieces though! Baking Soda is a great friend to Shungite in getting your hands clean of it : )
The amazing metaphysical properties of Shungite are becoming more well known. What you may not know is that sometimes the waters of Karelia scoop up the rough stones and tumble them in their waves and currents naturally shaping and smoothing them. These raw river tumbled Shungite stones are hand harvested along the banks of rivers and lakes in Karelia. There are a very limited amount of these available each year. I was told that they are sold out for the year but I was able to get a few. There is something special about the stones that are tumbled in natural water systems. They have a cool energy.
These Raw River Tumbled Shungite Stones range in size from approx. 2" to 3". I will listen for the one who is singing for you.