I paired one of these opal-ized shells with a couple of pearls recently and they had me feeling so calm and blissful. They began singing and sharing a message about Smoothing out Life's little Irritations. And I was feeling irritated--not by anything in particular--just a bunch of little things building up. You know those times when people start telling you to chillax and you really want to chillax--but you don't know how!!! Now I know how. gather together some pearls and a fossil shell. Once I did that I began feeling so I’ve been feeling super calm and resting easier. My sleep also got deeper and less I was less restless--you know how I know--by how neat and unruffled my sheets were.
Funny thing--I forgot to list them and I had been feeling that familiar irritations lately and I unconsciously picked up my bowl with my shells and pearls and my body just began to relax. Then I found these opalized shells here that I forgot to share with you. So here they are.
These opalized shells are extremely rare. These are the only ones I've ever been able to get. They are not perfect. A couple of them have chips--which in my opinion is extra medicine.
This listing is for 1 shell.