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nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones
nexus - Song of Stones


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This special double terminated Quartz Crystal Wand is a grounding crystal (8 sided face). There is a crystal growing out of one of its double terminated points that reminds me a little of a turret of a castle. Directly opposite that "turret" crystal and beneath a perfect triangular face is another newly emerged crystal. This one though, if you don't know is there, you may easily miss. Placing your thumb on this crystal and and index finger on the turret crystal activates something ... it opens something up akin to pulling 2 books and opening up a secret passageway in a castle. When I asked the crystal what this activates, what I got was that it creates a connection between 2 beings/places no matter what lies as barrier in-between - be that a solid wall (a impenetrable barrier), an ocean (distance) or prejudice (personal misconceptions). The grounding face, shows you how to hold ground while that connection is open.