These raw Jasper stones come from a special place in our world, Hawaii. This raw Hawaiian Jasper may not be considered a "pretty" stone. There is no shine or sparkle. It is a raw stone of rustic earth tones. What makes it so special is that it carries the energy of the beautiful land from which it comes. This beautiful Hawaiian energy can be felt in the pulse of its vibration as you hold it in your hand.
I will listen for the stone that is singing for you.Jasper Vibrates to the number 5 and is the astrological sign of Leo - Elemental. Jasper is a form of Chalcedony and shares its qualities. It is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It reminds us that we are here on this physical plane, not just for ourselves, but to bring joy and substance to others. It is conducive to awareness and to allowing us to celebrate situations of isolation. It helps us to realize that we are always remembered by others. It is an intensely protective stone and helps us to be grounded to the stabilizing energies of the Earth. It is a sustaining stone and is quite helpful when our energy is low. (It can be helpful on a long fast). Jasper can be used to align the energy of the chakras. It balances the yin-yang energies and balances the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies with the etheric energies. It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing and smoothing effect. It holds an aspect of solar energy and a connection to the solar plexus chakra. The ancients revered jasper as sacred, protective and as a facilitator of safe astral travel. It has also been used for dowsing. Jasper was often worn by Shamen to provide protection.It was considered a sacred stone to the Native American Indians. It has been worn and used by priests and kings. It is said to have been used in the breast plate of the high priest.
I will listen for the Hawaiian Jasper who is singing for you.