These magical white agate bowls have a special quality. Something happens when you look into the center of these bowls. A bubble of light forms and creates an ethereal opening - a doorway of sorts - to other realms and dimensions. These bowls are scrying bowls. You don't even need water in them to start viewing but I imagine even more magic will happen with water. I haven't tried it yet myself. I've only seen this effect happen with one other bowl that I have here - a Jadeite bowls.
These natural White Agate crystal bowls have been lovingly hand carved. Being natural stone, each one is unique and different. These bowls are wonderful for holding your special crystals, for ceremony or to create crystal essences. Finding quality natural hand made stone bowls is quite the challenge. I have been searching for a trusted source for years. I finally found one, though the cost was high and so it is unlikely I'll be bringing in anymore anytime soon. There are a limited quantity.
approx. 3"