These glassy Green Obsidian blades were calling to me as I was in the midst of a meditative movement. Their song could not be ignored and the next thing I knew, I had them in my hands and they were teaching me how to hold them and move my hands in order to shift the energy of the room. This was my crystal room so it was already filled with lovely energy, but by the end of the movement, this room was sparkling with light.
This duet is here for one who works with large groups and can teach you how to clear a large space in a matter of minutes.
I do not know if these crystals are natural or manmade, and I suspect that they are actually manmade. Either way, they carry not only the beauty but also the energy of this deeply cleansing stone being.
Obsidian vibrates to the number 1 and is the astrological Sign of Sagittarius - Elemental. Obsidian is a natural glass. Obsidian reflects ones flaws and promotes a clear picture of the changes which are necessary to eliminate the flaws. The energies of obsidian produce very blunt answers, focussing ones inner vision, stimulating a picture or vision of the required course of action. Obsidian is often used for scrying. Obsidian is an excellent grounding stone and provides for a connection from the base of the spine to the heart of the Earth. It is an excellent protective stone, stabilizing internal and external energies and gently protecting one from that which could bring physical and/or emotional harm. It provides a shield against negativity, transforming negative vibrations within an environment. Carrying/wearing obsidian further disperses those unloving thoughts which arise from within the self or are directed toward ones physical form. Obsidian is useful in healing, providing both the healer and subject with clarity with respect to both the cause and the amelioration of the dis-ease.
These Green Obsidian blades are approx. 5" and 3-1/2"
You will receive both blades.