A special circle of green Elestial Crystals recently started singing. They told me that they are Earth Council Crystals. They are here to offer wisdom and light to those humans who are going to help as the earth begins to re-balance after the environmental devastation that we’ve caused her through our disconnection and our ignorance.
One of these Earth Council crystals came forward with the crystal moon message under July's Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. I’d been receiving bits and pieces of their wisdom all morning. When I sat down to receive the crystal moon message, so much information was coming through that I didn’t know where to begin. I asked the crystal to just give me one message for now - the one that we needed to hear right now beneath this full moon. The message came from such a deep space that I had to sit in stillness for an hour and a half before I was able to receive it. It is the first of many messages these crystals have for us.
This Crystal also offered a Crystal Blessing. If you missed it, click play below:
These Earth Council Crystals are natural Green Quartz crystal from Madagascar. The Green colour of these crystals comes from Epidote, Chlorite and Sphene (I imagine not all 3 are physically present at all times, but the energy of all are here). All of these Green Elestial crystals sparkle with new growth making them Star Child Crystals.