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Blue Light Triad - Song of Stones
Blue Light Triad - Song of Stones
Blue Light Triad - Song of Stones
Blue Light Triad - Song of Stones

Blue Light Triad

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Opening Portals to Revise Reality

Crystals heal us in ways that we really don’t fully understand. 3 magical, deep blue fluorite gems have come forward to heal us in 3 ways. It began with 3 gemmy deep Blue Fluorite Crystal tumbles who were singing so powerfully as I was walking out the door of my suppliers with my crystals already wrapped. I couldn't ignore them and scooped them up and brought them home. They volunteered to bring through a Crystal Moon Message and then to offer their energy for the Blue Light Star Song.

The day that I received the 3 blue gems, I also picked up some raw blue fluorite crystals. I was guided to cleanse them under water and offer them to you in triads. There happened to be exactly 4 triads and their forms and colours harmonized beautifully. 

The magic continued even when I was sending out the Crystal Moon Message. I sent myself a test message as I usually do and it didn't arrive. I tried once more and still it didn't come through. I tried again with a different email - and still nothing. Then 4 came at the exact same time: 10:44. 

This had been clearly orchestrated so that we would know that it is these specific 4 triads which have come together for this purpose of opening the portals to revise reality (more about that in the Crystal Moon Message).

You will know immediately if you feel you are to be guardian to one of these triads and you're ready to make magic together. The magic of these crystals is incredibly powerful. (If you become guardian to one of these triads and have not received the Crystal Moon Message, please ask and I will make sure to send it to you).

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Fluorite vibrates to the number 7 and astrological sign of Pisces and Capricorn. Fluorite has a very stabilizing energy and can help bring order to chaos. It can help groups and individuals see the intrinsic balances of relationships and understand that which is beneficial to all. It increases the ability to concentrate, balancing the positive and negative relationships of the mind. It helps one see both the reality and the truth behind illusion and helps to inspire impartial, unbiased, detached reasoning in situations requiring objectivity. It is known as a ‘stone of discernment and aptitude’ bringing energies of responsibility to the qualities of intuition. Fluorite inspires the energy of the body, encouraging the ideal of well being and providing for the purification, cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder. Blue Fluorite vibrates to the number 2. This colour provides a calm energy and is excellent for stimulating clear concise communicative skills. It is helpful in developing orderly, sequential thoughts as well as record keeping.

The word fluorite is derived from the Latin root fluo, meaning "to flow" because the mineral was used as a flux to increase the fluidity of slags used in smelting (extracting metal from ore) of aluminum and steel. The word Fluoresence came from Fluorite because of the fluorescent properties prominent in crystals from certain locations. Fluorite's use as a "flux" reveals something important about this mineral. The very word flux means many things ... all to do with FLOW! When something is in a state of flux - it means continuous change. In physics, flux is the rate of flow of a fluid, radiant energy or particles (or the total electric or magnetic field passing through a surface). Fluorite's physical properties give us insight into its metaphysical properties. What we can see form Fluorite's graceful ease of flow through transition reveals it's potential gift of offering support in shifting states. Fluorite is used in the smelting process for separating the METAL FROM THE WASTE. This crystal's application in industry in refining processes reveals the possibility that it can offer its support to us spiritually with the same process ... to allow us to release those things that cloud our journey, providing a clarity in our direction. This brings understanding to why I found myself placing these Fluorite crystals with the Crystal Alchemy stones even before I knew all of this.

I will listen for the Blue Light Triad who is sining for you.