These Bastnaesite Crystal pieces are wee but powerful in their energy. These rare earth elements are quite dense - heavier than you'd expect. They are beautifully grounding - a powerful connection to the earth. They carry the dragon energy - the seeds of the possibility of a creation of such winged power.
"These cherry coke colored crystals are here to share information from ancient earth cultures, as old as mother earth herself. This is a crystal that carries the energy of wood nymphs, fairy realms, and mystical forests. Bastnaesite helps to achieve a profound connection with every aspect of nature. Bastnaesite is especially helpful for those who heal with herbs and other plant medicines. It will aid in absorption of information as one studies these healing modalities. The piece I held showed me a cottage, deep in a dense wooded area. Inside, a small, gray haired lady, a well-respected herbalist/alchemist concocting medicinal herb remedies. Bastnaesite crystals are for those who want to deepen their connection, or to reconnect with Mother Earth. Bastnaesite will physically ground you to the absolute core of Mother Earth. If you have a somewhat difficult time getting or staying grounded, this piece is definitely for you! There is a revolution of sorts going on in our culture right now. The "Green" movement has inspired a life of simplicity, a "back to basics" mentality, working with the gifts that nature provides and a return to responsible living. Working with Bastnaesite will enhance this passion and share valuable information in the process! Bastnaesite works specifically with the Root Chakra in a very powerful way. It enhances our survival skills and basic, common sense instincts. Use Bastnaesite to ease physical trauma and help to heal from traumatic experiences. Bastnaesite will assist with blood and blood related issues.”
Caution: the chemical makeup of Bastnaesite does contain toxic elements which can react when combined with water.
-Crystal Communication by Kristi Huggins, LotusMoonCrystals.com
I will listen for the Bastnaesite Crystal who is singing for you.