This Cosmic Seed Quartz crystal has a slanted Channeling Face and Time Link. This crystal has come forward to offer to help you to receive messages that are beyond our current time line.
These water clear Cosmic Seed Quartz Crystals from Brazil are etched with meteoric markings which evoke images of stars and comets shooting across the cosmos. The patterns etched into the sides do hold messages but they are geometric/numerical, rather than an alphabetical language. These crystals whisper their song to me in this moment as I create this listing. They want us to know that they are less about encoded messages and more about freeing boundaries ... moving beyond the constrictions of language and into the messages of the heart ... moving OUT OF SPACE. How witty! They're not just about OUTER SPACE but about getting OUT OF SPACE. I love the way the crystals convey their messages. The Cosmic Seed Crystals are very sweet and gentle. If you hold them and open your heart ... they will take you on a beautiful journey. You will feel as if you are FLOATING in space - OR OUT OF SPACE. (There's that wit again!) When you are in this heart space - this free, floating, unconstrained state - you can understand anything ... any language will make sense because you see past the words/symbols into the HEART of the communication.
Their name along with their message were given to me directly from the crystals. It's a beautiful message and there is much held within that message as it stands ... but there is more ... much more. Listen and you will hear their song.
This Cosmic Seed Time Channel is approx. 2-1/8" x 1"