This beautiful Pink Lemurian Crystal is a singer. The Lemurian Crystals have a beautifully peaceful and gently loving energy. They are powerfully attractive ... most don't even know the full extent to why they are so drawn to them ... they only feel the pull. They have beautiful songs to sing and much wisdom to share and they do so openly and gracefully. If you've been called by the Lemurians, trust that calling. There is purpose to that call. Listen and you will hear their message to you. This Lemurian has that loving classic pink tone and shape that we think of when we think of the Lemurian Seed Crystals. The Pink crystals are becoming exceedingly rare to find - even more rare are the ones that are singers.
This special one seems to have been struck by some force - my guess is lightning. Where lightning struck crystals are, soo too are the faeries. This strike or two shifted this crystal - created an opening that is visible in it's structure and palpable in its energy. This crystal sings of BECOMING OPEN and the FREEDOM that brings. To become open we must let go of something - we must BREAK free of our old patterns and boundaries. That's where the ELECTRIC ENERGY comes in - to create a charge within us that propels us from our old views and into a new way to see and to be. The very tip has been coated in a red inclusion (probably hematite) To me this symbolizes that this type of shift happens at a very deep level - right in our DNA - and is passed from generation to generation. So when we change something within us at that level - we change it throughout our ancestral line - we shift it in all our future generations and if can truly be open - we can see that it dissolves in our past as well. You must move past linear thought to accept this. This crystal does not ask that you struggle with understanding for it is beyond understanding. She simply shows you how to make the shift and then your awareness will take you the rest of the way.
approx. 7-1/2" x 2"