This magical Amulet Stone takes shape as an egg. You can see the life within beginning to emerge through the 3 cracks that formed along the sides. Its movement as I play with it, reminds me of those childhood toys called weebles ... "weebles wobble but they don't fall down". This stone being is here to offer its energy of creation to someone who is birthing (or wanting to birth) something new, whether it is life or a life creation.
The Magic of Amulet Stones
These Rare Australian stones come from Mt. Hay. They are called by many names: Mt. Hay Amulet Stone, Thunder Egg or Star Agate. Whatever you choose to call them, they are a very special, magical stone. They are a very special stone being ... a "Dragon Egg Stone". For more information on the Dragon Eggs, feel free to get in touch and I'll send you the information.
Agate is in harmony to the number 7 and is the astrological sign of Gemini - Elemental. Agate is a form of Chalcedony and shares its properties. Agate is an incredible stone. It is believed to have been among man's earliest possessions. Egyptians were mining Agate as early as 3500 B.C. In Historic times, agate was placed in water for use in cooking and for drinking in order to dispel sickness. Agate is a balancing stone. It assists in looking at oneself and ones circumstances concerning ones well being. Provides perceptiveness to situations, awakening ones inherent talents and adroitness. It can produce angelic/spiritual inspiration.
Chalcedony is in harmony with the number 9 and is the Elemental Astrological signs of Cancer and Sagittarius. Chalcedony balances the energy of the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is a stone to encourage "brotherhood" among all, symbolizing benevolence and good will, stemming from the stone's nurturing energy. It alleviates hostilities, irritability and melancholy. It enhances generosity, responsiveness and receptivity. Chalcedony was used as a sacred stone by the Native American Indians to promote stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribe.
This Egg stone is approx. 1"