This Blue Angel Star Sapphire Crystal was singing so powerfully. She is here as a guiding light for one who is themselves a guiding light. An ethereal angel for an earth angel. You can see her by clicking on the play button below.
The magic of Sapphire
Sapphire vibrates to the number 2 and is the astrological sign of Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius. Sapphire is the second hardest of all minerals. It is a form of Corundum and shares its attributes. Corundum is found in many colours, but in its red form it is known as Ruby. It stimulates ambition and confidence, dispels harsh and irritating attitudes, subdues the emotions and helps one to release anger in a positive manner. Corundum promotes insight to the unknown, enhancing intuitive awareness. It can also be used to rid one of unwanted thoughts and to bring joy and peace of mind by opening the mind to beauty and intuition. Sapphire is known as the "stone of prosperity" sustaining the gifts of life, eliminating frustration, and fulfilling conscious desires and dreams. Throughout the centuries, Sapphire was known as an "eye stone", an instrument for removing foreign objects and treatment of eye diseases. This may have been based on the practice of ancient Egyptian physicians who used an oxide of copper (Sapphire is aluminum oxide) mixed with boric acid as an eyewash. This astringent was known as Lapis Armenus. It has been shown to be effective by modern medical research.