The VIOLET ROSE trio was the the Crystal Totem for the Magic is Awakening Journey (MIA). They shared a "Heart Song" filled with wisdom on expanding awareness - and your heart - and transforming the challenging relationships in your life.
"So when a letter comes with sad news, or you lose something or someone you love, or you have conflict with someone in your life, or a virus enters your body, or you fall and your body is in pain, or your greatest fear is realized - or when good things happen to others but not to you and you feel jealous, or when financial pressures become too much to handle ...."
–– excerpt from the Heart Song e-book
This ebook is not just words on digital pages, there is a mystical energy present "between the lines' that can be accessed, if you will. If you allow yourself to expand your mind and your heart you can tap into that energy and awaken your heart in a way that you never thought possible.