These beautiful fine gemmy Spinel Crystals are candy for the eyes. They are so beautiful to look at. Looking at these I can understand why they were sometimes mistaken for fine rubies in days past.
Spinel vibrates to the master number 3 and is the astrological sign of Sagittarius & Aries. Spinel can help us renew our energy and encourages us to persevere during difficult tasks. The energy of Spinel is that of beauty. It can help us enhance our appearance and to increase our positive personality traits. It helps us obtain, maintain and accept victory with humility. It is known as a "stone of immortality", bringing freshness to our endeavours. Red Spinel vibrates to the number 3, Astrological sign of Scorpio. Red Spinel can be used to provide strength and to stimulate physical vitality. It helps to both align and stimulate the base chakra and is conducive to the activation of the Kundalini.
I will listen for the Spinel Crystal that is singing for you.