Orange Millennium Stone™ is a form of round crystallized Carnelian nodules, only found in the high desert of the U.S. South West. This stone can help you to unwind, allow you to drop your shields so that we can become one with Mother Earth. It helps us with balancing our bodies and to be comfortable with our sexuality. It is said to help detoxify both the mind and body. You can use this stone to tone down stressful dreams and to alleviate feelings of loneliness and powerlessness. Orange Millenium helps us to ease our fears and anxieties. It is said to be a stone for the 21st century. It is no wonder it comes forth at this time of great stress and fears. The earth is wise and kind with her gifts.
Carnelian vibrates to the number 5 and 6, Astrological sign of Taurus, Cancer, Leo. Carnelian is a gem of the earth, a symbol of strength and beauty of our planet. Its message is one of love. Carnelian stimulates a deeper love and appreciation for the beauty and gifts of the earth. It has grown and evolved with the human race and can teach one to carve out a unique place in life and how to utilize personal power in the physical world. Carnelian will draw in light for its own purposes and reflect back the depth of colour of our own physical world. It has been used to see into the past by those who have the knowledge. Carnelian protects against envy, fear and rage from both within and without. It helps to banish sorrow and can be used to dispel indifference, lethargy, laziness and procrastination. It is a stone for harmonious energy in the home. It is a stimulating stone for both mind and creative energy - especially the theatrical arts. The ancient Egyptians found it to be an ideal stone to use as seals as wax does not easily stock to it. Carnelian was also used in ancient burial practices.