This magical being was glowing and singing from beneath two boxes. When I gathered it in my hand it began to sing and has been sharing its messages ever since. She calls herself "witches word". She is an ancient being with much magic to share. She is a scribal - letters, numbers, symbols appear and disappear. One that I keep seeing is a trident-like symbol which could also be seen as the greek letter psi or the mathematical wave function symbol. I'm sensing that it is a symbol for the feminine energy.
This crystal offered her light energy for a Crystal Blessing. On the morning when I was getting ready to begin recording it, I noticed an I ♥️ u ! I didn't think I would find another stone that has this embedded in it. Just prior to me finding this, 3 stones with this same message somehow magically came together in such a way that the "i ♥️ u" would be seen.
I thought they were all here because the 3 of them shared a a magical message which was published in a light log and a special Crystal Moon Message for the song of stones community on the July 2019 New Moon (and solar eclipse). This crystal showed herself to me close to midnight on that new moon night - after the messages went out. I didn't see the I ♥️ u until the following morning when I was recording the crystal blessing so I didn't yet know their was a fourth one of these crystals. I'm not going to say she is the last because you never know.
If you missed the crystal blessing you can click on the link below to receive it:
It was amazing that there were 3 of these I ♥️ u stones. Now I've found a fourth! Try to deny the magic of that. I dare you.
THE I ♥️ u STONES ARE CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE until it is revealed how they are going to be shared into the world.