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Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones
Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage - Song of Stones

Sulphur and Cinnabar Alchemical Marriage

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Alchemical Union

Sulphur is a magical substance.  It's colour is vibrant and it's scent distinctive.  These large tumbles have been lovingly hand polished to bring out this stone being's vibrant sunny tone.  These magical stones come together in union with another magical substance - mercury in the form of Cinnabar Tumbles.


Sulphur is an essential element to all life.  When burned, sulfur melts to a blood-red liquid and emits a blue flame which is best observed in the dark.  (NOTE:  Please do not try to do this without the proper experience and/or supervision.)  There is something truly amazing about the crystals who have an outward appearance that is different to its essence.  Sulphur shows us this special quality through the colours Yellow, Blue and Red ...  the bright yellow of its outward appearance, it's inner essence of blood red, and the blue energy it emits when burning.  Another way Sulphur shows us its "blue side", is that Lapis Lazuli owes it's blue colour to a Sulphur radical.  This "trinity" that Sulphur holds is, I believe, a significant part of its magic!


picture from:



Cinnabar does contain mercury which is a potentially toxic substance.  For this reason, there is a concern as to the safety of this stone.  I have done some research and the consensus seems to be that it is safe to handle, providing you take precautions:  ie, don't ingest, don't inhale the dust and wash hands after handling.   I would add that it's best to keep this stone away from kids.  Mindat has a health warning on their site if you want more information.  I feel I should mention that there are many imitation versions of Cinnabar on the market and sometimes they are sold as authentic.  I did get these stones from a reliable source, but even my source would not guarantee its authenticity.  I trust it, but I always prefer to reveal everything I know about the stones.   Having said that, mercury is another magical substance.  Also known as quicksilver, it is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.  I have always loved its magical magnetic quality and how it will come together with separate drops of itself.  Something that connects it to Sulphur is the colour red.  Sulphur is red in liquid form - mercury reveals its red essence when found in its solid form as Cinnabar.


In Alchemy, Salt, Sulphur and Mercury are known to be the Three Principles.  It is believed that all matter can be divided, via alchemical processes, into these three things. 

Salt was the principle of fixity (non-action) and in-combustibility.  Salt is the earth element, representing the vegetable salts extracted from calcined ashes of plant body.  The Salt represents the Body of a thing.  It is the receptacle for the energies of Mercury and Sulfur.  Salt contains the elements Water and Earth.  The receiving of the influences of the Soul which are transmitted through the spirit occurs through the element Water.  In the chemical aspects, this neutral energy resides in the salts of the lab materials, both soluble and insoluble.

Mercury was the principle of fusibility (ability to melt and flow) and volatility.   Mercury is the water element, representing the life essence of the plant, the very alcohol extract of the plant is the carrier of the life essence.   Mercury is the passive, Female energy of the universe.  It unites with the Sulfur to produce a Manifestation, whatever that may be (whatever you are trying to create).  In order for the energies of Life to transmit their influence into matter, Mercury is needed:  It contains the Air of Life and the Water of Matter.  In chemistry, this energy resides in the alcohol of the material you work with. 

Sulfur was the principle of inflammability.  Sulphur is the fire element, virtue of plant, representing the volatile oil essence of the plant.   Sulfur is the Male, active energy of the universe. For us it represents the Soul.  Chemically, it resides in the essential oils of the material you work with.

NOTE:  My thanks and gratitude to James Collins of for permission to use his well researched and beautifully written information on the Three Principles of Alchemy.

These stone beings come together in purpose.    Both are rare beings and both come to teach us of crystal alchemy.   Both are not to be treated lightly in their handling.  Trust yourself with these as with all the stone beings.  If you have any concerns or fears, please consider other stones.  There are so many available.  There are even several to choose from in the Crystal Alchemy category.


Red and Yellow - bright, intense colours.  Colours of caution and danger.  Colours of fire and of intensity.  Colours of power and survival.  The colours of energy and life force - the Sun and blood.  Masculine and feminine.

An Alchemical marriage is a union between two energies which come together to create a third energy that was not present before the union.  Each partner illuminates qualities within the other without hiding anything of themselves.

These stones have come together in union - yes for the purpose of creating a "new" energy, but also to reveal something to us ... look deep into their essence to discover what that wisdom is.


As I mentioned, Sulphur has a very distinctive scent.  Please keep this in mind when handling it.  You will probably want to wash your hands afterwards.  Lemon and/or baking soda work wonders for releasing the scent.


The pictures shown below are an example of these mystical duets.  Each duet is harmonically connected. I will listen for the Alchemical Marriage duet who are singing for you.