These beautiful pair of sweet singing crystals come to teach us about the sound of our purpose. They will show you what they mean by that. They offered their gifts in many ways. They gifted us with a Crystal Moon message. They offered a Crystal Blessing. And now they are to continue their journey with the one who they are going to create something magical with. You will know if you are that one.
These Brazil Laser Wand Quartz Crystals are great for focussed work and for gridding. They have a wonderful clarity and a beautiful energy.
Laser wands are long slender Quartz crystals that taper to a termination of small faces. It is said that all "wand" crystals were developed on Earth by other planetary beings by thought projection. These crystals have an intimate relationship with both inner and outer space. Laser Wands can be used during meditation to establish a finer communication with the other worlds, the crystalline world, and the inner world of the self. These crystals radiate a lovely energy and have been recognized as a constant source of the brilliant white light. When holding a wand, the energy tends to surround the body, providing for a protective barrier. The energy of the laser wand crystal is extremely well focused through the small termination. It can be used to clear an area of negativity, to create protective barriers, and to beam healing energy to the self or another. Laser Wands were once used in the healing temples of Lemuria. The crystals that have unique etchings and/or markings indicate the records of the experiences they have seen. They contain information with respect to the healings which have been proven successful over the eons of time and throughout the universe.