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Sea and Sky

This special heart shaped duet and tooth shaped stone came together in a beautifully guided movement. There were 10 Duets altogether. I claimed this one and co-created a Star Song with it. The gift I received was quite dramatic. First I felt a strengthening of my physical body. I did a Tai Chi class that day and I was amazed at how much easier the movements were. That was just the beginning. What I noticed next was profound. it was a release of something I held “in my bones” (I was specifically given the word “bones”). It was a long held trauma that I’d buried and forgotten. What was most beautiful was the ease and synchronicity with which it rose up, and the message of it received and then released. That does not mean I did not experience a physical response to this profound shift – but it was mild in relation to the nature of the release.

I felt such a profound transformation through this magical elixir that I knew I had to share it. It was offered as a “monthly Star Song” and having experienced its energy for a second time, I’m better understanding this Star Song’s gift. I found that it allows me to move through whatever physical or emotional stuff that I’m currently working through much more quickly and with much more EASE. The Star Songs are like that – each time you experience them you have a better understanding of their gift.

The second wave of this Star Song’s emanations came through while I was in the midst of a powerful shift. Normally when moving through a spiritual transition, I experience full blown flu like symptoms but with the energy of this elixir I felt them on such a subtle level that no one else would have noticed I was going through something. I still needed to give my body the rest it needed to complete the shift and I had to be extra conscious of that because I was feeling so well.

Something important to be aware of when engaging with the Star Songs is that they can stir up very deep and very old layers of “stuff” that we may have forgotten we hid away. Sometimes when clearing old patterns – especially the more deeply embedded ones – the ones that we’ve been holding onto for years or perhaps lifetimes – we may need give our bodies the time and rest it needs during the transition into our new ‘light’er vibrations.