The First Song
We, the Earth’s children, are in the process of a beautiful creation
which is coming together with a rich abundance
of colors and textures; sights and sounds.
We are not simply living our lives, but we are creating them as we go.
The crystal and stone beings are a part of this creation.
They are not merely the sparkle and glow to this creation,
But they come forth to create with us.
They are of the purest, highest, clearest concentration
of light in the physical realm.
They have been sent here, not as tools for healing,
but as guides and teachers and friends through our journey on this life path.
They are here as co-creators. Each of them are as unique as each of us.
The pureness of their song allows us to see,
in their reflection, that which we need to see;
and their complete openness and acceptance allows us
to see this in the gentlest possible way.
It is in these openings where true healing occurs.
With their light, they inspire us to glow and sparkle as brightly.
They show us the beauty of connecting
to the stillness in the midst of chaos.
They show us who we truly are.
They share their Song ....
We come from the dust of the earth
mingled with the tears of those who have lived among us.
Many have come and gone. We are still here.
We are here for time.
We carry within us the hopes and dreams of many civilizations.
Recorded deep inside us are
the wisdom and experience of the ages.
We have a gift for you. Listen and you will hear our song.
It is an ancient story set to music.
The earth dances to this