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Crystals for Dreams and Dreaming


Dreams weave crystal seams to distant realms in present tense.
Enter the mist of murky meanings and seek the truth from countless gleanings.
Scattered, shattered, fragmented pieces move the mind and take all time.
Play with them and stay till when the misty haze does dissipate.

From icy eyes illusion dies.
Harmony uncloaked, epiphany evoked.
And when the pieces add to one, the tale ends as it had begun.
Emerge from the hole, grown and cold.
Converge with your other many selves in circle with the woodland elves.
When sky is blackened once more, enter through the shadow door
To start this maelstrom yet again. And travel back to the insane.
The sparkling children of the night chart your stories in their light.
Threads unravel twisted stories of the days.
As dark descends, weave them back in sacred shape of luminous rays.
-- smadar 


Crystals for Dream Work

Any stone being can support and guide us in dreamtime. If you set your intention to find a stone to journey with during dreamtime, a crystal will manifest for you. In the meantime here are some of the stones that some in the metaphysical community recommend for dream work.


AJOITE: Ajoite produces a melding between the heart chakra and the throat chakra, helping us to speak what is in our heart. What follows is a peacefulness and a joyful acceptance of our surroundings, circumstances and environment. Ajoite is said to energize and to activate the peace chakra (an energy field between the throat chakra and the heart chakras). The energy of Ajoite brings peace within the self, regardless of where we are – in body or mind. It stimulates understanding and total acceptance. It enhances creativity and communication.

ANATASE: Anatase is one of the 3 mineral forms of Titanium Dioxide, the other two being Brookite and Rutile. Anatase is the rarer of the three. So basically, they are all different manifestations of ONE ELEMENT! I think this is extremely profound. This crystal clearly demonstrates the concept of ONENESS. It is a gift to see how one being can take 3 different forms. It helps us to imagine how in a world with a unfathomable amount of physically different life forms, we are at our essence … the SAME!

ANGELITE: Angelite is a stone of the ethereal realm. Reach for this soft source of support when you want to connect with the Angels or other ethereal guides or when you want to connect with or explore your dreamself.

BROOKITE: Brookite is one of the 3 mineral forms of Titanium Dioxide, the other two being Rutile and Anatase (the rarest of the three). So basically, they are all different manifestations of ONE ELEMENT! I think this is extremely profound. This crystal clearly demonstrates the concept of ONENESS. It is a gift to see how one being can take 3 different forms. It helps us to imagine how in a world with a unfathomable amount of physically different life forms, we are at our essence … the SAME!

BUSTAMITE: Bustamite is conducive to the dream state and stimulates the sate of awareness during dream time, cultivating the dream state as a vehicle for meditation. It also provides for access to angelic beings in the purity of the light.

CALCITE: Calcite releases electrical impulses when placed under pressure, and is an energy amplifier. It is said to help the mind and body to remember: The, mind to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences; the body, to remember the state of perfection during dis-ease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness.

SAND CALCITE: Has been used to promote lucid dreaming and recall of same.

CHINESE WRITING ROCK: It is an excellent stone for dreaming, assisting one into the dream state and directing ones dreams toward the subject that one has pre-determined.

DIASPOR: Sleeping with Diaspor can facilitate the vividness of dreams and enhancement of the recall of same – the actual detail becomes “crystal” clear in the mind that it is similar to recalling a scene that one has just experienced; having sufficient time to record dreams would no longer be a problem with the use of this stone. In addition, past-life dreams are prevalent. During meditation with this mineral, one may ask questions and expect to receive clear, concise, and accurate answers.

DREAM QUARTZ: As its name suggests, Dream Quartz is a stone being that offers support in lucid dreaming and deep meditation and can assist us in recall these dreamtime experiences. In the waking world Dream Quartz allows us to more clearly envision and manifest our dreams for the kind of life we wish to create. Past life exploration with Dream Quartz can help us remember skills and talents we possessed before, but which may now lie dormant in the unconscious.

SHAMANIC DREAM QUARTZ: Fittingly, they are also called Garden Quartz or Landscape Quartz. These crystals sing of harmony and unity. They sing of abundance and community. They sing of creativity and imagination. They sing of dreams and dreaming.

EUDIALYTE: Stimulates both the Alpha and the Beta states, supporting the discharge of the Beta brain wave pattern to the level of the conscious mind; it activates the Alpha brain wave pattern on the level of the dreaming mind, during the creative state, and with the initiation of minimal extra sensory perception and cellular energy renewal. There is measurable increate in both the Alpha and the Beta states after holding Eudialyte for one hour.

FLINT: Has been used to prevent nightmares.

STAR GARNET: Helps one to remember dreams.

GOLD: Has been used in the treatment of nightmares.

JADE: Is known as a “dream stone”. It improves ones remember of dreams and assists in “dream-solving”. It is used to release suppressed emotions via the dream process: for this activity, a piece of jade is placed under the pillow prior to sleep.

RED JASPER: Can facilitate the reiteration of dreams to allow the dreamer to remember the aspects which could be consequential in ones life. it seems to replicate the dream on a video-type mechanism for access during states of meditation.

KYANITE: Helps to induce recall of dreams and to promote dream-solving, providing for access to solutions during the dream state.

LAPIS: Can be placed over the third-eye to aid one in developing insight into ones own dreams. It assists in providing a connection with the dream forces which are working to goth guide and counsel one during altered states.

LAZULITE: Lazulite stimulates the third eye, and the inherent psychic and intuitive abilities within. Meditation with Lazulite is very deep, very calming facilitating all forms of psychic visioning, astral travel, clairaudience and channelling. Lazulite is useful for sharing fears and accessing insights and answers to all forms of worries. Lazulite can be used to enter the lucid dream state, and open a channel to the collective consciousness. Lazulite is helpful in harmonising the endocrine system and boost the immune system. It can help reduce sun sensitivity and be useful in treating addictive behaviors. It can also reduce the effects of headaches. Lazulite is known to make one feel peaceful and provide positive, spiritual energy. It also helps one to see things from a different perspective. It also will stop one from doubting others and themselves. It is also helpful if one has an addictive personality, as it helps one to see the reality of this life. Lazulite also aids the intuitive power of the individual and helps one to become more generous towards others.

LEMURIAN DREAM CRYSTALS: Lemurian dream quartz contains phantoms ranging in colour from creamy white to pale green, and integrates spiritual dreams and awareness into the realities of the earthly life. They easily elevate thoughts to access Lemurian wisdom from higher planes.

MICA: It can be used to facilitate clarity in visions and mysticism.

MOONSTONE: It is a feeling stone, stimulating intuition and helping one to apply the intuitive knowledge in a practical sense. It brings flashes of insight in which one will always gain from the experience.

OPAL: Is known as a “stone of happy dreams”; arising from the understanding of personal higher potentials coupled with the glad acceptance of ones inherent perfection. It has bee used by the native American Indian and the Australian Aboriginal shamen to invoke visions; it has also been used during the Native American ceremony of the vision quest; and by the Australian aborigines during ceremonial “dreamtime”.

CAT’S EYE OPAL: Facilitates the transforming of states from Alpha, to Beta, to Gamma and enhances lucidity in dreaming and memory of same.

PRINTSTONE: This mineral has been used to assist one in visioning and to provide an inner light during mindful meditation such that one may see the answers to problems and/or view situations in a more illuminating “light”.

PUDDING STONE: Can facilitate the reiteration of dreams to allow the dreamer to remember the aspects which could be consequential in ones life. It seems to replicate the dream on a video-type mechanism for access during states of meditation.

QUARTZ: Placed/worn pointing towards the crown chakra or under the pillow during sleep, it can bring wisdom and clarity to your dreams and can help us to understand the messages and lessons conveyed during the dream state. It also promotes restful sleep.

BETA QUARTZ: It has been used for de-coding/encoding of patterns from dreams and visions, assisting in clear channels of communication from both the higher-self and the inner self; hence, the information flows freely and contributes information which assists one in determining the appropriate and foremost actions which will enhance and strengthen ones continuation on the selected path.

QUARTZ WITH MICA INCLUSIONS: It is said to have been used in ancient ceremonial activities and to maintain the psychic energies of that time period. It promotes dreaming and stimulates the connection with, and transmission of information from, that time period.

RUBY: The energy of the ruby is intense and vivid, bringing lucidity to the dream state and conveying understanding and control of the role and action of the mental state upon the physical realm.

RUTILE: Rutile is one of the 3 mineral forms of Titanium Dioxide, the other two being Brookite and Anatase (the rarest of the three). So basically, they are all different manifestations of ONE ELEMENT! I think this is extremely profound. This crystal clearly demonstrates the concept of ONENESS. It is a gift to see how one being can take 3 different forms. It helps us to imagine how in a world with an unfathomable amount of physically different life forms, we are at our essence … the SAME!

SYLVINITE: Has been used to stimulate “objectified dreaming”, such that one may begin a remolding of ones form within the dream state. It further assists one in recognizing the alignment of ones structure/body with the alignment of the magnetic/electrical forces of the biosphere and of the Earth, wind, water, etc.

TEKTITE: It assists one in both lucid dreaming and dream recall.



Amethyst, Cerussite, Cookeite, Hematite, Lapis, Mica, Moonstone, Sodalite, Midnight Lace Obsidian, Parisite