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when the moon hides, secrets are revealed

Today is a special day. It is the day of the full blood moon and the longest lunar eclipse in centuries. When the moon hides, universal secrets are revealed.

There are things in this universe that are hidden. Things we don’t know exist. Things we would not conjure up even in our greatest imaginings. The universe reveals some of these hidden secrets from time to time when all of the elements that are necessary for this to happen come into perfect alignment. The stars, the planets, the universal clock, the pattern of the hidden matrix of light. They all must fall into perfect place. Though even if that happens none of it will matter if the hearts and minds of human beings are not open. We are an important part of this magical alignment.

There are few things in our world which show us this universal dance of alignment more dramatically then an eclipse. We are shown how something that is such an integral – and massive – part of our universal landscape can be hidden from our eyes so suddenly. Of course this happens every month as the moon cycles from being full and bright to its unseen new phase. Somehow its regularity and normality desensitizes us to this magical movement. But in those rare occurrences when the moon is eclipsed we pay attention. We make it a point to notice. We even report on it in the news. It is a big thing. This is the universe showing us that it can hide even the moon from our eyes.

This eclipse we are in the centre of now, being the longest one in a century, feels to me to be itself a hidden message. That is that a magical part of our universe, a mystical secret which has been hidden from our sight for centuries, is about to be revealed. It feels as if we’ve been moving through something similar to this celestial event – where a large chunk of our universe had been eclipsed and is now coming out of the darkness of our unconscious and exposed to the light of our awareness. That is how this current phase of human history feels to me … the enlightenment of masses, the acceptance of different cultures, the expansion of the feminine, the return to ancient sacred practices, the many seemingly miraculous occurrences, the growing awareness of the interconnectedness between humanity and our earth mother and my favourite … our awakening to the magic in the world.

This message of hidden-ness has been disclosed to me in so many ways lately that I am paying close attention. I have seen it in the hidden goodness of our world. I’ve seen it as the divine feminine begins to be revealed. I’ve seen it in certain crystals which have been transforming into a new phase of their physical appearance. The crystals are actually quite masterful at holding hidden secrets both in their visible form and in their unseen energy matrix. They can show us how to see the hidden realms of the universe – because they exist there and also here in the earth world at the same time.

When you’re ready to see the hidden secrets, call on a crystalline one to be your guide into the light of awareness. The stone beings offer their loving wisdom with open acceptance. Call on me if you need help finding your crystal guide.





