What to do with a broken crystal
Sometimes a crystal breaks. It drops (or jumps) from the hands, it arrives broken, or it spontaneously breaks while holding it. Aside from feeling sad that our precious stone is broken, we can be very hard on ourselves for something that is really not our fault.
Then along with any feelings of shame and blame we don’t know what to do with the broken pieces of our crystal. And the all important question...does the crystal still have healing energy?
I would answer that question with a question.
Do you believe that there is an energy field around all living beings that remains complete, even if part of the physical form is broken or missing? If you do and you believe that crystals are living beings, then a crystal doesn’t lose anything when they are broken. From some perspectives, they can actually gain beauty and power.
There is a Japanese art form that transforms something that is broken into a thing of beauty and strength. I learned about it some time ago when a client reached out to me to ask if I had any broken crystals for Kintsugi. It is an ancient craft where broken pottery pieces back are put back together with gold (or other precious metals silver, or platinum). Kintsugi translates to joining with gold.
“The story of kintsugi—this style of pottery—may be the most perfect embodiment of all our trauma-shattered lives... Instead of throwing away the broken beloved pottery, we’ll fix it in a way that doesn’t pretend it hasn’t been broken but honors the breaking—and more so, the surviving—by highlighting those repaired seams with gold lacquer. Now the object is functional once again and dignified, not discarded. It’s stronger and even more valuable because of its reinforced, golden scars.”—Jay Wolf
What to do with broken crystals
Cut energetic ties
If a crystal chips or breaks in a way that creates a sharp edge (a crystal blade), they are the perfect helpmates for cutting ethereal strands that bind us to that which no longer serves us. Holding onto old energetic patterns—whether we’re conscious of them or not, drains us of energy unnecessarily. Energy that can be better spent on creative manifestation and our well being. Sharp crystals are brilliant at severing any unwanted strands or stagnant connections.
Carry one and bury one
Recently a wee little aquamarine crystal severed spontaneously, I held the 2 pieces in my hand and received an image of burying one of the pieces by a tree.
It was one of a group of aqua crystals who whispered to me that through the filter of their blue tone, they purify and transform anything that has become embedded and is obstructing the airways. They show us how to release the resistance to the irritation by rediscovering a part of the self that has been hidden or denied. This will not only cleanse the passageways but also renders the toxin (allergen/irritant) inert.
Now this broken crystal showed me that burying one of the pieces by a tree would create a special connection with the tree and boost the opening and cleansing of the breathing passages.
If you have a broken crystal, listen to your crystals song. You might feel inspired to carry one of the pieces and bury one of the pieces to create a connection with a tree, a piece of land, or a body of water.
Carry one and keep one at home.
If your crystal is too large to carry and a piece of it separates, you can carry the small one with you and it will be as if you were carrying the whole crystal.
It works the same way if you need to stay connected to your home and you have to be gone for a while. Leaving a crystal behind can hold open a connection…something like an open phone line.
Love connection
Keep one and give one to someone you love. To keep a connection with someone that might be far from you or to bring families together. The Selenite crystal I spoke about last week is a good example of this.
Spreading the magic
Earlier this year I came across a very powerful crystal that I knew at my core was here for a “grand transformation”. No sooner did I receive that message did the crystal drop and break. I was upset at first, but then I realized that the crystal was meant to be shared with a few special people who would understand their purpose. Their new homes were spread around the continent and I came to realize that it was as important for them to be in the right place as with the right people. They sort of orchestrated themselves into a global grid.
Broken body
Broken crystals are ideal healers for those who are healing from any injury or have a health project.
It just so happened that I had a fall yesterday and before I went to sleep, a broken crystal started singing to me. I placed it on my nightstand and as I was falling asleep I had a vision of tree branches creating a canopy around me.
I woke up the next morning with an energetic remedy for the broken steps outside leading to our front door—and how that was blocking the energetic flow of other aspects of our life. It was a sort of crystal feng shui.
The cure was quick
I followed the energetic prescription of a clearing movement and blessing and while I was at it, I raked up some leaves into a nice big pile that we planned to bag later in the afternoon—we didn’t want to leave it, in case it rained over the next day or two. While I was writing this post, I thought I heard rain—I thought oh no, the leaves. I went to the window and sure enough it was raining. But the leaves were not there. Someone had cleaned them up for us.
I plan on sharing these remedies in the new magical membership group I’ll be starting soon. You can sign up for the waitlist here.