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Then I got yet another crystal

I have never met a crystal I don’t love. I’ve always been drawn to them. Many of us are, especially the super sensitive, the empaths and light-workers. We are drawn to their beauty and their harmonious energy. But we also feel their power. At some level we sense their potential to transform us. (Perhaps, at the deepest level, we sense something even more powerful—kinship).

The choices were dizzying

When I first began connecting to crystal energy, I was overwhelmed. I was dizzy over which to choose. I was intimidated by their mysterious power. I was self critical over my lack of ability to “feel” this energy everyone was talking about. I wanted to learn everything I could about these beautiful beings.

There was a ton of information out there about the metaphysical properties of crystals. Not as much was written about how to manifest this crystals energy in the every day—besides the basics, like how to cleanse, clear, charge, etc.

I filled my home with Crystals

The crystal books taught me that quartz amplified energy. So of course I wanted to connect with this crystal to boost the power of my affirmations. I filled my home with quartz.

I found out that black tourmaline’s metaphysical gift was that of protection. I read somewhere that keeping these crystals by a tv and other electronics would help dissipate emfs. So of course I placed the tourmaline by the t.v., with quartz beside it to boost its power. I now have shungite there too because shungite is like a vortex that cleanses and filters environmental and energetic toxins—that was actually something I discovered through direct experience.

I read that rose quartz would open the heart and bring love into my life so when there was tension at home with my family, I got a great big giant chunk of the pink crystal and put it right in the center of our living room.

When I discovered that moonstone was known to help harmonize a woman’s cycles, at a time when mine were so chaotic, you can probably guess that I brought this stone home for myself, but also for all the women in my life.

They are singing for me now

When I saw my first kyanite crystal I was instantly attracted to it. Even before I knew anything about its metaphysical qualities. I loved it for its shimmery-ness, its elegant form but I think most of all I loved saying its name—kyanite (kie-an-ite). Even talking about it now makes me want to go and pull out all my kyanite crystals—and I did—and they are sitting beside me now—that's them in the picture for this post.

Then I got into the healer’s crystals, the singing lasers, the Lemurians, petalite and selenite, azeztulite, and so many more. The crystal books promised that I could tap into ancient records, heal ancestral trauma, clear and cleanse my other crystals, enhance my meditation and grow my psychic powers.

They make me happy

The crystals did bring healing energy into my life. Just having them around me filled my home with harmonious presence and brought more balance into my body. With the crystals near I felt less anxious, more grounded, happier.

But there is an element of crystal power that the metaphysical books were not touching on. In fact, focussing only what’s in the books was actually keeping me from discovering that deeper dimension of the crystal world. I didn’t know then, what was possible through a crystal connection.

Unknown possibilities

It was a little like having a lap top and using it as a mirror. The reflective screen offers a great reflection, but when you know how to turn it on, suddenly you have access to all the wisdom and information in the entire world.

With the stone beings, I had access to a potent energy. One that offered the possibility of extraordinary transformation. And I was just looking at my reflection in their shiny faces. I know this now and I connect with the crystals in a very different way. But back then I was searching.

Yet another

Back then, I would bring home a jasper to balance my chakras, and then a citrine to balance my check book. Then kunzite to strengthen my auric field and lithium quartz to soothe my nerves.

And then, I would get yet another crystal.