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The blue eyes of Obsidian

When the winter solstice message came through, the picture I was drawn to use for the post was of blue obsidian. I hesitated to put that picture up because I didn’t have any blue obsidian to offer. I usually like to choose pictures of stones that I have available because people see them and want them and I want them to be able to have them. But no other picture would do and I trusted as I do. Blue obsidian would be the the picture for the solstice post.

A rare occurrence

In all the time that I had my crystal website, I had only ever found the natural blue and green obsidian once, and they were quickly adopted. They are rare to find. Much of the colourful obsidian that is out there is manmade—which is fine if people are upfront about it. They aren’t always. 

I went to visit my supplier at the beginning of the year for copper and emerald. These 2 stone beings had made themselves known as our 2025 year stones. To my happy surprise, they had natural blue and green obsidian. They came from the same source and the same place in the earth as the original ones. It was a true blessing to find it for a second time. I scooped them all up and brought them home to share with my community. 

Magic and more magic 

When I revisited the Winter Solstice blog post I had an intense reaction to the photo. I had forgotten that I’d chosen blue obsidian for the post. I realized that this magical stone being had been singing to me weeks before I would rediscover them. 

It was a beautiful synchronicity that I found this very rare colour of obsidian right after I heard it singing. But there was even more magic to be seen in their shape—they were spheres. They were all spheres, so even if I wanted to have them in a different form, they were only available as these beautiful blue and green balls. The reason this is extra magical is that the message of the solstice was about boundaries, and spheres have no boundaries. 

Crystal balls

Spheres are stones for vision. Seers have been gazing into crystal balls for ages. The sphere was seen as the perfect form by the ancients. They represent wholeness and offer a complete and uninterrupted flow of information. But more simply, they are the shape of an eye. Their physical form hints of their magical properties. What better shape could there be to gaze beyond the boundaries of the physical world into the unseen realms and the akashic records.

Mirror, mirror

Crystal balls are well known as scrying tools but obsidian itself is a seer’s stone. This makes sense as it is a highly reflective stone. The first mirrors, found in the 9,000 year old Neolithic settlement of Ҫatalhöyük were made from obsidian.  

On their face, this crystal shows us who we are. But they can also show us the things that the eyes cannot see—the subtle forms and energies that cannot be picked up by the naked eye. Obsidian can help us to strengthen and exercise our subtle senses (the clairs—clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance and clairalience-clear smelling). 

It’s normal

We can see without the crystals but we have forgotten how. The “extra” senses are not accepted by mainstream as normal. So those of us who have this ability often hide it. There are many who hold the mistaken belief that these abilities are not accessible by just anyone and that you must be special to have them.

Fears and false limitations keep us for exploring and developing the forgotten senses that are innate to all of us. So until we remember how to see with all our “eyes”, we can call on these little blue and green crystal balls to give us a little assist. 

Power boost

As a sphere, obsidian’s metaphysical gift for vision can be even more greatly enhanced. For an extra power boost, they showed me a vision of working with them in pairs—one in each hand. This is not the only way to work with them. You can let them guide you.