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The beauty of Copper


The second stone of the year for 2025–the mate to Emerald—is Copper.  I questioned the union of this unlikely pair at first but I’ve been completely won over by the beautiful harmony of this duet. I invite you to join me in exploring the magic of these stone beings over the course of this year. I’ll be sharing some of the magic and messages the pair have already shown me in the coming posts. Last week we got to know Emerald a little better. This week we will focus on Copper.

The metaphysical gifts of Copper

Copper helps us to see the barriers that block the path to our growth and helps with self acceptance and self-imposed restrictions. It is said to be a good stone to reach for when we’re passive, lethargic, or restless. 

Copper is recommended to those in policy making or policing. Which is interesting because the slang for word for policemen, “cop”, is said to come from the shiny copper badges and buttons on British officers uniforms.

All day long you’ll have good luck

Copper is said to bring luck. Think of the well known saying, “Find a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck.” As I get to know more about this special metal, I’m understanding why we’re so lucky when carrying copper. 

The physical gifts of copper

Copper is important to us. It is vital to the body’s health. We need copper to make energy, for brain development, to absorb iron, to make collagen, to maintain the nervous and immune system and to activate our genes. As it helps our bodies with energy, it also helps us bring energy to our homes through beautifully conductive copper wires. It is used for grounding electricity. And it can also be a source of physical and spiritual grounding. 

The healing gifts of copper

Copper can be used in our hospitals to help protect us from virus and infection. There was a study done in 3 U.S. hospitals where copper was installed on  bedrails, tray tables, IV poles, armrests of visitors’ chairs, as well as on surfaces like nurses’ call buttons. Over a six year period, infections in the copper rooms dropped 58%, compared to the 8 unmodified rooms. Further studies done in Virginia and Iowa found that copper oxide surfaces led to a 78% reduction in drug-resistant microbes. And a later 2-year study in the ICU of an Indiana hospital showed that copper beds harbored an average of 95% fewer bacteria. 

Unlike gold or silver, copper contains a free electron in its outer orbital shell, which interacts with oxygen in the air — resulting in an energized form of oxygen, a molecular grenade of sorts that blasts through viral envelopes and blows up the germ-replicating instructions on the inside.

Copper naturally eliminates up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses on transit surfaces. It is the only solid metal touch surface registered as a public health product by Health Canada and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 

Holding a piece of copper is soothing and healing but perhaps it can help with cold and flu season as well. I haven’t found any studies that offer proof of this, but we can try it out for ourselves.

EMF Shield

Copper is an excellent material for shielding the body from EMF radiation. “It has a high absorption capacity and can shield from almost any type of electromagnetic wave.”

The Copper Shields of the Kwakwaka’wakw people

The Kwakwaka’wakw people have a copper shield called tlakwa. It represents the wealth and rank, growing in value as it passes from one to another. Each copper is unique and has its own name. The copper shield is essential to the potlach ceremony. If a chief does not have one, he cannot host the ceremonial potlach, an opulent feast where possessions are given away or destroyed to display wealth or enhance prestige.

The beauty of copper

Copper is as beautiful as it is valuable. We make art with copper. We decorate our homes with it. We adorn our bodies with it. Rose gold gets its colour from the addition of copper. It even makes gold more beautiful. But more amazing is the way it shows us how to see ourselves as beautiful. Its reflective nature is echoed in its metaphysical properties. It becomes a mirror for us to look through and see the most beautiful parts of ourselves.

All the while the energetic shield it creates protects us. And what we most need protection from is our own inner critic. We can be so harsh with ourselves.

Copper invites us to be kind to ourselves.