The Value of a Dime and Me
This month’s blog was inspired by a charged discussion that captured my attention recently. The topic of the conversation was about how people felt about charging money for spiritual work. It began as a comment about overcharging and grew to whether people should be charging AT ALL. It is such a BIG topic that I […]
A gift from the Cloud
I never know where my inspiration for my monthly blogs is going to come from. It is always a surprise. In a recent month it was Angels and falling crystals. This month it is U2 and Apple … that’s the singing group and the computer company – NOT a txt shortcut for “you as well” […]
Sacred Change
The change between summer and fall is one of the hardest I think. We begin to move farther from the sun and closer to the darkness of the winter. It is the most visual change of the seasons. The full bounty of summer’s harvests dwindle and die. The vibrancy of summer’s green dims to gold. […]
I am EVER amazed at the power of the consciousness of the Universe and it’s ability to communicate with us … even in those times where we can’t see what is right in front of our eyes! I began the day feeling a little off and in need of some rest and decided I would […]
A wonderful group of crystals arrived here recently from a very special source. The box arrived in time for a show that I was going to be doing that weekend. It was almost magical, the speed with which these crystals arrived. It usually takes at least 3 times as long from where they are coming. […]
This blog post was inspired by a question that a customer asked about whether there may have been a mistake in interpreting the end of the Mayan Calendar and maybe 2014 is the actual true end. The energies this year do feel very powerful. I am aware of what some of the expectations are/were of […]
Have you ever felt lost?
Have you ever felt lost. Lost in your own life. Going through all the motions of the daily routines yet feeling somehow they are unfamiliar to you. You travel on a path that you happened upon or were even strongly guided to take. And even when the scenery changes, there is something comfortable about it […]
I’ve been feeling quite “scattered” lately for lack of a better word. I’ve been trying to get this blog out and the newsletter. I’ve also been trying to complete a listing of some very special stone beings who have been sharing a song about the SACRED TRINITY. I just couldn’t seem to get any of […]
Time Sings
Crystals with Time Link faces have been showing up quite a bit here lately. It seems every other crystal I pick up is a time link. So I asked … What are you showing us? What is the significance of your “TIMING”? I got an answer and if felt too important to keep to myself, […]
Why are we drawn to the stones?
They call to you. You are drawn to them but you don’t know why. The mind cannot make sense of the pull they have on you. Their vibration is beyond logic. It is an energy of pure love. Only the heart can truly understand that message. Only the Soul knows that it’s this unconditional acceptance […]
Crystal Colour Essences
This month I’m inspired to speak of colour. There are many, many, many ways to connect with colour, each as beautiful as the next. The stone beings offer a wonderful way to explore colour. They hold some of the most unique and magnificent colours in all of creation. They come into presence with colour in […]
Support through the shifting energies of 2012
Many of us our experiencing the effects of the rapidly shifting energies of our Earth mother. We may each be experiencing them in completely different ways, but we are feeling something. Not all of us may be able to put into expression what it is we’re feeling, but most will agree that they are experiencing […]
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