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Sunstone Soup

I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. I was screaming in my sleep and also screaming out loud. I know because I woke up my husband. 

That was the morning of this month’s new moon and sunstone was singing a crystal moon message. It was a feel good message of warmth and comfort. It was a “chicken soup for the soul” kind of message which I came to realize because I was actually smelling chicken soup. The aroma was coming from the stones and even from my hands. It was one of those times where the Universe was sending me multi-sensory messages. I suppose that is kind of like multi-media messages, where one medium is layered upon another and you receive it through sight, sound and the written word?

I was tantalized by the smell of soup and found myself craving some. It wouldn’t be chicken soup for me because I’m vegetarian––but a vegetable broth sounded nice. I think what I was really craving was an inner warmth to take the chill out of the residual fear from the nightmare.


Medicine from the Universe

Sunstone and soup was the prescription from the Universe. The fire of the heat from hot liquid and the fire of the energy from the stone that shimmers with the warmth of sunny tones. I was already feel the joy start to come back into my heart by being in the presence of this beautiful being.

The best medicine is that which comes from the Universe. These lightxripts  might be sent via a dream, through crystals, during meditation, in oracle cards or the oracles themselves. The best way to receive them is through that still small voice at the center of your being. It's talking to you all the time.

Tune into the prescription the Universe has for you right now. If you're not ready to trust your inner voice (and that would be the only reason you wouldn't be hearing it), then invite in a crystal––a sunstone perhaps. Or pull an oracle card. Or get your message through a crystal and a card. Let the Universe guide you in whatever way that brings you the most joy.


Originally Published November 7, 2018