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StarBeams in dreams


Just about 8 years ago, I had a dream about a very special kind of crystal. A calcite crystal covered in sparkly drusy. They are called STarBeam crystals. I was inspired to bring them together to co-create a Star Song (my unique brand of crystal elixir).

As their energy was emanating out, they were singing of interstellar and inter-dimensional communication. They showed me a way to amplify communication with those beings who are not in our current vicinityor even in our physical realm for that matter. That does not mean that they will not offer their vibrational gift of clear communication with respect to everyday human interpersonal relationships. They vibrate with an energy of clearer conversation in any and all relationships.



I've had many experience with Star Songs, each one offers a unique medicine. While the StarBeam Star Song was in presence, I was in a state of deep presence that was pure bliss. I would dare to call it a state of fearlessness. I'm not speaking about rushing into danger without feeling afraid (like skydiving or public speaking). I'm talking about feeling fully expressed without any anxiety. Nothing bothered me. I felt plugged into the creative power of the Universe. The best way I can describe it is that I felt as if I was walking with G-d. I imagine it would be similar to a drug induced trip, without the paranoia or after effects. 

The walk of bliss

That day I was inspired to take a walk that was unlike any other. It was a simple walk. It was a path I take almost everyday in a simple normal neighbourhood. But this walk was anything but simple. It’s not that I did anything different during this walk or anything had changed around me. It was that my awareness had shifted—expanded. I was aware of the abundance of life and LIGHT all around me—and that life and light was aware of me. It was a MUTUAL interconnectedness. 

It was powerful. 

I’ve experienced that state before. And ever since, it is one I’ve been striving to return to—to live in always. The crystals are helping me get there. Especially when I connect with their energy through Star Songs. Each time, I'm able to stay in the bliss just a little bit longer.

Click on the play button below to see the crystals and hear more about them...


I share the experience of that magical walk and the message that came through it in an e-book. This message carries the energy of this unity consciousness which is embedded in the words themselves. If you allow it, those vibrations will reach deep into your spirit and you will begin to remember. Even the slightest spark in your memory can shift you into a movement that expands your awareness and takes you closer to oneness. In harmony with a Star Song that expansion can be magnified. (I still have these crystals and can co-create a Star Song for you with them if you like.)


I'm remembering the StarBeams now because just recently I had a dream of a different type of Calcite. It came together with another crystal and showed me a specific way to work with the two of them together. As it happened with the STarBeam, I was inspired to co-create a Star Song with the dream duet and their song was also about communication.

From this I understood that all Calcite crystals are stones of communication. Seeing as how human beings have so much trouble communicating with each other and with the other beings they share the planet with, isn't it interesting that Calcite is one of the most abundant types of crystals on our earth.

Calcite is also present in our bodiesspecifically in our pineal gland and our inner ear, both used for communication. (The National institute of health says that "The main function of the pineal gland is to receive and convey information about the current light-dark cycle from the environment).

Crystal Magic

One of the magical things about connecting with crystals is that you come to see that you could have a very profound and transformation experience with them and it may be just the beginning. They might revisit with even more magic.