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Rose Quartz Love Angel

Rose Quartz. Everyone loves it. Its soft pink tone and loving emanations are magnetic. Rose Quartz has some beautiful metaphysical qualities. According to Melody...

Chakra Love

Rose Quartz emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all of the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle focus of self-love. It provides for a balancing of the yin-yang energy and can attune each chakra to the proper frequency of energy vibration.

Soft as Silk

It has a soft, silky energy which brings out a gentleness from without and from within. It helps us to see there is no need to rush, which brings calmness and clarity to our emotions, restoring the mind to harmony after chaotic situations.

Healing Emotional Wounds

Known as the "stone of gentle love" Rose Quartz is the healer for emotional wounds teaching us the power of forgiveness and reprograms the heart to love itself. Rose Quartz manifests a calm emanation of soft sweet pink, which comforts and heals wounds of the heart. By helping us to attune to the energy of love, this pink crystal teaches that from the source of infinite love within, any wound can be healed.

Love of Art

Rose Quartz can help us to be open to the beauty of art, music and the written word, enlivening imagination.

Rose Girasol

There is a type of rose quartz that has a misty clarity and opalescent glow. It is Rose Girasol. It’s been singing recently and shared a lovely message with us. What they told me helped me to understand why everyone loves Rose Quartz so much...

Love Angel

You have your own personal, dedicated Angel walking beside you everyday. She has been there since the day you were born and she will be there until the day you die.

Of course you have many angels and guides journeying with you through this lifetime but there is one who never leaves your side—so you can know that you are never alone.

You may have forgotten your Love Angel but she is always there and in those moments when you feel alone and scared, remember her. Ask her to wrap you in that misty, pink blanket of love that she carried you into the world with.

If you open your heart to her, even just a bit, you never need to feel alone again.

Rose Girasol holds the colour of this Divine Angelic love and can help you to remember your Love Angel.

Loving the synchronicity

Once I heard these crystal’s Love Angel song, rose quartz started to show up in several different ways. Several of the pink crystals were adopted just after the message was received. Then 2 people brought Rose Quartz to a recent crystal meditation I facilitated—one was carved into the form of an Angel.

Call in Rose Light

If you are feeling drawn to the soft pink energy of Rose Quartz or you want to remember your Love Angel, you can connect to this magical stone anytime you like. If you don't have one there, you can connect through a photo or even in your imagination. To the crystals it's the same.