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CRYSTAL TRINITY – A shocking new discovery about a crystal we thought we knew well!

These crystals revealed themselves to me through dreams.

These crystals revealed themselves to me through dreams.

As many times as the crystals enter my awareness and guide me in mystical movement, I always find it fantastic. One morning I awoke to whispered guidance to bring together all the crystals that revealed themselves to me through dreams. As I was on this journey around my house, I marveled at the brilliance of the Universe and the power of such subtle communication which translated into this “walk about”. This was a dance I never would have imagined was possible in my previous lifetime as a drone of the concrete jungle.

A surprising discovery!

A surprising discovery!

While I was gathering the crystals for one circle, (trekking up and down the 3 levels of my home), something quite wondrous happened. I was taken to the corner of one of my “crystal cabinets” and moved to stick my hand in and pull something out that was out of my range of vision. It was a flashlight of some sort. I clicked it on and it happened to be pointing at a bowl filled with a group of crystals I recently gathered in a dance very similar to the one I was in the midst of at that moment.   What I saw shocked me. Everyone of the crystals in this bowl were fluorescent. I had no idea when I brought them together – just how connected they were.  This thing that bound them together was not something that could be seen with the naked eye.  It could, however be felt in their energy and heard in their song.

Bumblebee Jasper

Bumblebee Jasper

There was actually one stone that was in this bowl that was not fluorescent like the others but it was nevertheless connected.  It was one of the stones that came in a dream and I first I thought THAT was the connection.  However, I would soon discover that there was another connection – another surprise.  The stone I’m speaking of is Bumblebee Jasper.  It showed up in my dream as a flying bumblebee which landed on my left eye.  Then a week or so later when I visited my supplier, I saw the Jasper and KNEW that this stone had been singing to me through the bumblebee in my dream.  The connection between the Bumblebee Jasper and the other fluorescent crystals was revealed in my dream.  I didn’t know make that connection until just now, but the bee which landed on my eye was symbolizing SIGHT/VISION.  Bumblebees see colours that humans don’t see.  They see colours in the UV spectrum – they see FLUORESCENT COLOURS!  The Bees see the colours that are only possible for us to see by shining a black light on the crystals.  So you see now why I was marveling at this incredible chain of interconnections, which could so easily have been missed.


Blue Amber polished, raw and under UV light

I was especially amazing by what happened to one of those special stones when exposed to the fluorescent light … the Blue Amber.  It was a Stone Being that captured my attention quite powerfully with it’s lovely song this past month.  This Blue Amber was already mysterious in it’s colour.  It was called blue – and in it’s raw form looked dark blue.  Holding it to the light reveals the honey tone that the word Amber brings to mind and as you moved it, you’d be gifted with flashes of blue and sometimes other colours as well.  Polished, it looks Amber (honey) the blue flashes revealed from light and movement.  When bathed in this mysterious light, it TURNED BRIGHT GREEN (and at times deep TEAL) AND LOOKED COMPLETELY OPAQUE.  It’s quite a powerful contrast and it took my breath away.

Vivianite Crystals reveal the presence of 2 distinct colours.

Vivianite Crystals reveal the presence of 2 distinct colours.

Blue Amber has announced itself to be TOTEM crystal of the month. Along with Vivianite who was singing in harmony with it. These stone beings both echoed the song last month’s TOTEMS sang – the exploration into duality. Both of these beings hold dualistic formations. Both show us in their form, the possibility of unity and harmony. Both show us the reflection of this duality in ourselves as well as the way to co-exist with our polar parts – ending the struggle between our disparate halves. That in and of itself is quite magical. Now add to this a THIRD presence – the colour that comes out when exposed to a light beyond our visibility. THE POWER OF THREE … the SPIRITUAL TRINITY. It is quite spectacular.


For those times where you struggle with the conflicts that being in this physical dual existence brings, invite these special beings in as guide.  They have the ability to hold their dualistic form in grace, harmony and beauty and can show you how to do they same when you are confused about who you truly are or a choice you must make.  I promise this will not be the only gift they have to offer you.
