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Crystal Heart

Around the time of the February love holiday, a duet of naturally heart shaped stones whispered their song—their love note to us. That got me to thinking about how drawn I am—how drawn our world is—to the heart shape.

We make food into heart shapes—especially our sweet things. We wear clothing with hearts on them. There’s an abundance of jewelry in the shape of the heart. And of course, we love our heart shaped crystals.

A happy heart

I am always so happy when I see a natural heart because it feels like I’m receiving a personal love note from the earth. I see it as a sign from the heavens, letting me know that I am loved. I know I’m not alone in my excitement over seeing heart shapes in nature. I’m often seeing others sharing photos of their “heart encounters”: a rock; a potato; a cloud; a flower, a hole in a tree, snow, even fire can take the pleasing form of a heart. I actually just came across a facebook page that exclusively posts pictures of hearts found in nature.

People have been enamoured with the heart shape for thousands of years. Perhaps it has always been a sacred symbol for us. A painting with a heart shape was found in the Pindal Carern in Spain that was made 15,000 years ago. Maybe we’re so fascinated with hearts because it’s so unusual to find this shape in nature. Or perhaps it’s because of the heart’s connection to love and love is such an important part of life.

As much as we love love, we are quick to close off our hearts. And when our hearts are closed, life does not hold as much joy.

Electric heart

The crystals are beautiful allies for helping us to open our hearts. Last year, lightning quartz whispered a beautiful message of the heart. It was of having…”hearts wide open”. Being around the lightning stuck crystals over the 4 seasons, I couldn’t help but open up. 

Electricity can restart a heart that stopped beating. Focussing on the frequency of electricity through the lightning crystals with intention can be a powerful way to open the heart. Even without intention—I did not plan on working with the heart chakra—the expansion I experienced was profound. I have been able to hold presence in some intense emotional situations, feeling fully open in my heart without taking on those feelings myself. That’s pretty huge for an empath. We get lost in other people’s emotions quite easily and that can leave us without the inner resources we need to deal with our own stuff.

Emerald’s heart

This year emerald has come through as one of our guides for 2025. The ancient Egyptians called the Emerald ‘the lover's stone’ as it was said to increase love and bring fertility. History is filled with references to Emerald’s power in love. The message of the heart is echoed through the green colour of the emerald

Remembering to open the heart

The soft green tone of chrysoprase reminds us to open our hearts. Yes they are tender and hesitant to be so vulnerable during this powerful time in our history. But it is especially now that we need to have our hearts wide open. It is, actually, in that open state that our hearts are most protected.

Blue heart

We are accustomed to thinking of green and pink as being heart colours but Celestite shows us clearly to go outside of our preconceived notions of the chakra colours and other assumptions we've made.

When I first held a Celestite crystal in my hand, I was immediately drawn to holding it at my heart. Celestite helped me to allow my deepest feelings to surface ... to feel them no matter how painful and to be open to receiving support. Its soft, gentle, supporting energy shows me so clearly my worth and my greatness. I was amazed that such a cool colour can have such a "heart" warming effect.

Celestite opens a doorway into that which is unexpected ... into that which is seen but not realized and into that which is not usually visible to the naked eye. Celestite will help you to SEE all those things and more. They are a wondrous and magical group of beings and are perfect guides for the Light Guides. Celestite is quite a heavy stone, which is interesting because it takes you into the realms of light. Perhaps that's the purpose - to allow you to feel grounded when you're in the presence of the light beings. 

The shape of love

And of course the heart shaped crystals—both hand shaped and naturally made—will aid in opening the heart.

Whether you seek out a stone heart or you happen across one that nature made herself, ask what the heart wants—both the crystal one and your own. Or is it a sign from above letting you know that you are loved. Perhaps it’s both.