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Copper and Emerald for 2025

Our year stone for 2025 happens to be a duet: copper and emerald. We explored the individual metaphysical gifts of each of these stone beings. Now let’s listen to what they have to offer together.


The energy of 2025 is about understanding boundaries. It is about knowing when and where to draw the lines and when to smash the walls that hold our hearts and our minds behind false limitations. Copper and emerald are journeying with us this year to help us to understand just how far our power extends. Once we have seen how much energetic space we take up, our perception around boundaries will suddenly become quite clear.


One of the first things that we think of in connection to boundaries is protection. Especially those of us who are empaths and highly sensitive souls (so probably all of us here). We want to protect our hearts, our energy and our spaces from energy that is draining and disempowering.

Our year stones can help with that. While copper emanates out a natural shield, emerald’s energy is like that of a sword of green light. They are a perfect pair who come forward at just the right time. The empaths among us have already sensed that while the earth’s protective shields are thinning and holes are forming, so too is it with our own energy fields. Together, copper and emerald can help us to seal the weakened parts and the open, unprotected spaces so that light does not leak out and we don’t feel energetically depleted. 

They also help to quiet the chaos of energetic noise pollution. That peace allows us to tap into natural rhythms of our body and feel and be in sync with the rhythms of the natural world. This is key to living a balanced life amidst the frenetic energy of modern living.

Light filaments

Emerald is well known as a stone for vision. Together with copper, they train us to see the light that is all around us. Then they show us how to draw some of those filaments of light into the body’s energy field and weave them into a light cocoon. This blanket of light is woven from the top-down and from the bottom-up in synchronous rhythm, arriving at the center in unison. This cocoon can be tight, extending only a few inches away or it can expand so far beyond the body that it can’t even be seen.

Translating light

Emerald and Copper bond together energetically to bring something most needed at this time…to show us a way to decipher the language of light. They are like the Rosetta Stone of light language. They bring together the energetic symbols of psychic sight and physical sight in such a way that having them both in our energetic field at the same time sparks instant understanding. They take us into pure and instant knowing. You can call it claircognizance but with the stones, there is a knowing of how the information came to you.

Ultimately the duet helps the body and soul to harmonize and synchronize their frequencies so that communication happens with greater ease and speed. In other words, the mind no longer has to struggle to hear what the soul is saying. Understanding is instant. We can come to this experience ourselves, with intention and enough time and practice. But tuning into copper and emerald in duet helps us to bypass the boundaries between right and left hemispheres of the brain and unify our separated selves.

In the body

This can be done for the physical body as well. The toxic energies of our era as well as the separation from our natural world create a disconnect within our own bodies. We lose touch with our intuitive abilities. When the natural rhythms and cycles are thrown off, the body’s inherent wisdom and ability to self repair is also out of sync. Our stone friends offer us a way back to our bodies.

When love is found

When I swept away a thin layer of snow of the front steps this morning, a small patch was packed tight enough that it did not get swept away with the finer powder. It was a heart! There’s no doubt in my mind that the universe was sending love, but I believe it was also a message from our crystal duet about love. Along with the magically metaphysical light gymnastics these crystals perform, they also hold a very simple and universal message of love. 

While the year stones help us with the holes in our communication with our bodies, our earth and our energy fields, tapping into this love frequency can help us to heal another kind of wound—the hurts of the heart. Loss, grief, unworthiness, guilt, inadequacy are hard on the heart. But the worst is the fear and anxiety that stems from feeling cut off from love. Individually both emerald and copper have strong emanations of heart energy but together they take us into a very pure and very powerful divine love.