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Clearing space with Crystals

Last year, for me, felt stagnant and heavy. A lot of my time was spent just trying to stay caught up with all that life was throwing at me. I made the conscious decision to bring in more spaciousness, clarity and abundant flow into the coming year. 

At the start of the new year, my husband and I did a karmic cleanse ceremony to support the vision and intention I was holding. Now you need to know that my hubby is not into the woo world. Until then he had never expressed any interested in participating in a spiritual ritual. So it was very clear to me that the magic had already started. 

The aftermath

The next day we both felt the effects of the cleanse. We were zonked. Neither of us could do anything that day. This is not unusual after an energetic shift or expansion. The body needs time to rest as it adjusts to its new frequency.

I sort of forgot about it and went about life. It’s only now as I sit down to write about it that I realize how much had changed. The shift was so subtle that I almost missed the realization. The most notable thing is that there has been more harmony in our family. There’s also been more clutter being cleared out and more space opening up in my schedule. It happened without effort. I wasn’t trying to do anything, the changes seemed to come organically. And I know this is just the beginning. The effects of light work tend to ripple out into all areas of life.

A blessing

Last night, I received a new blessing that I imagine will enrich the ceremony and expand its effects beyond the re-patterning of personal lifelines to include the home and the surrounding land. It reminded me of the importance of space clearing and I thought I’d share some tips for how to do clear with crystals. 

When to clear your space

Our homes can accumulate unwanted energies from emfs, dirty electricity, and other energetic pollution. Visitors and service people can track in dense energy as easily as they do dirt. When the energy in our home and in our lives start to feel heavy and stagnant it can help to bring in some fresh energy and clear out the old, tired energetic air.

When we are feeling disharmony—in our bodies, our homes, our communities—it’s a good time to do a cleanse. Disharmony shows up in our bodies in many ways. Intense emotions like stress, fear, jealousy, envy, anger, and depression from people who come through our homes linger and keep us stuck in them.

Crystals for clearing space

There are several crystals we can call in for cleansing space. When I listened for crystal volunteers, these 3 began singing.


In some cultures, homes are built with careful thought and the intention of being in harmony with the land and the elements. Most modern homes are not built with such consideration. Magnetite whispered to me that gridding 4 of them in the corners of the home and/or around the perimeter of the property can be the feng shui cure for homes that are not oriented according to direction.


Sometimes homes are build over ley lines, underground streams, vortexes or other unknown buried elements that can affect the energy of the space or the people living in them. Copal offers to help balance the and harmonize the energies in the area.


This crystal grows in natural geometric configurations and are masters of organization. Invite Fluorite in if you want to organize the energy of your home and the surrounding area.

How to hold the crystals

There are 2 ways that we can hold crystals in our energy work. One is as a high frequency tool. The other is as conscious co-creator. Neither choice is right or wrong but the results will be different.

How to clear with crystals

A simple way to clear space

First: Say a blessing or hold an intention

Then: With a crystal in hand, circle around your body, home, land. 

Alternatively or additionally, you can grid crystals by placing 1 (or more) in each of the 4 corners of your land, your home and your body (the place(s) you spend most of your time (ie. office, living room, bedroom). 


It’s always more moving and cathartic when we do ceremony from a place of deep presence and listening. Being fully in it calls for listening to our bodies, our environment and the crystals. 

Listening to the crystals can be intimidating for some of us. I hold monthly live guided crystal journeys where you can come and listen for a message from your crystal. It’s easier to hear the crystals when you’re in the company of other like=hearted souls. There’s always the chance that you’ll be chosen to receive a personal message.

A little help

If you would like to experience a clearing ceremony but you would like a little help, you can invite me to take you through it step by step or do it for you. It is done over distance so it doesn’t matter where in the world you are.