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Are you missing the messages?

What if you had access to all the answers for any question you could ever want or need to ask?

You do!

We have forgotten how to access the part of ourselves that knows how to receive and interpret the answers. Call it the inner child, the higher self or the soul.

The issue is not that we don't have the answers, it is that we have forgotten how to receive them. We have turned down the volume on the voice of our soul. Then, on top of that, the noise of the world drowns out the subtle signals that have already been exiled to the background. Our highest, most profound wisdom has become background noise and we don't hear it.

But the messages are always there!

The Universe is always talking to you. Sending signs and symbols to help guide you through life. But you have to be listening for them. You have to be aware that they are transmitting. The amazing thing is that once you are aware of this—even if you just open up your heart to the possibility that this might be true—you will begin to see messages everywhere.

So how do we tune in to the right channel and turn up the volume?

There is information everywhere. The many voices from people in our lives each with different opinions. The things we hear on the news and social media. The stuff we read about. The ever present ads that influence us—often on an unconscious level. Loudest is the critical voice inside our head.

Then there is the noise that comes with living in an industrial, technological age. The planes, trains and automobiles. The construction. Our appliances. Our tech (phones/computers). There are also sounds in our environment that we don’t pick up on with our human hearing. We may not hear them but they are still noise and so they impact us.

So it's understandable that the soft whispers of our inner sage can be drowned out by the loudness of life.

With the right guidance, we can be like radios and choose the stations that we tune into and how loud we want the volume to be. Until we remember how to do this naturally, we can call on crystals to help.


Crystals have an innate power to amplify and to reflect. They can show you how to decipher the symbols. They can help you to hear your messages more clearly. As well as reflecting the messages from the soul and the universe, the stone beings have wisdom of their own to share. Some of my most profound life shifting messages have come from them.

A message for you...

Some stones have messages naturally imprinted on their surface, like messenger stones or scribals.



A teacher for you

While you are learning how to hear the subtle songs of the universe, there are some who have already remembered and they can relay your messages for you. Some soul whisperers can guide you as you relearn this language of the soul. I am one of those people.