Apatite Crystals for hunger
Apatite Crystals have been singing to me. With that song came a special gift. Their message was that of satisfying a hunger—a hunger that goes beyond what is experienced by the body—an ineffable hunger.
Being present with these crystals as they sang, I learned something about hunger—rather I should say I received something from these crystalline ones that transformed my experience of hunger—and I’m going to share with you what that was.
The colours of Apatite
Apatite is a beautiful stone being. It forms in many colours…pink, green, blue, and others. The one you’re probably most familiar with is the neon blue type. If you’ve seen it, you’ll remember it. The colour is striking. But beyond their colour, Apatite crystals have a very distinctive presence. A satisfying density. And a chatoyant sheen or gemmy sparkle (depending on the type). They are attractive—not just in their physical beauty, but their energetic presence draws us in.
I can't get no satisfaction
One of Apatite’s metaphysical gifts is to help us with our hunger. Their name is no coincidence. They can spark a shift in our appetites. When our hunger is excessive or insatiable, they can help to take the edge off. If food holds no appeal, they can spark our appetite.
That is a considerable gift, but sometimes food cannot satisfy our hunger. Sometimes what we hunger for is beyond any physical substance. Then when you finish a meal, even one that takes up every inch of space in your stomach, you still don’t feel satisfied.
That’s how I had been feeling. Hungry. I thought that maybe the reason I was not feeling satisfied after my meals was because I needed something new—something spicy, something rich or something creamy, perhaps. But that hunger I was feeling was not a physical one.
That’s when Apatite started singing. Of course I didn’t make the connection right away, but it would not take long before I noticed that this crystal was easing my hunger. When I was sitting with Apatite, I was attuning to the energy of satisfaction—or perhaps a better word would be satiation. My hunger was satiated.
Hungry Heart
We all have a hungry heart,
and one of the things we hunger for is happiness.
So as much as I possibly could,
I stayed where I was happy.
—Mary Oliver
There had been a deep hunger in my heart that I was ignoring. As Mary Oliver put it, this was a hunger for happiness. In my case, it was related to my purpose. Once I understood that, even before I did anything about it, my hunger was appeased. And that was the gift.
Apatite takes you on a journey into understanding the source of your hunger. Often times, that which we crave is not a substance but rather it’s something insubstantial. Something that we can’t actually put our hands on.
Satisfying the Craving
Until we figure out what that is, nothing satisfies the craving. And that unexplored desire becomes an insatiable addiction for a poor substitute. It could be for food, for drugs, for tech, for sex, for caffeine, for shopping, for danger, or for a thousand other things. It doesn’t matter because it’s not about the substance. It’s about the true hunger that has become buried by what you’ve mistaken it for.
When you realize this, you are suddenly no longer led by the addiction but by choice. This may not make life's choices easier, but they become clearer.