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Anchoring Light

Light is not easy to hold onto which is why we gravitate to the darkness. When I say darkness, what I mean is the doubt and discord that originates from fear as opposed to the light vibrations of trust and harmony which stem from love. Our thoughts and actions are a direct reflection of which side (the light or the dark) we choose to anchor within us.

We seem to be more easily pulled towards the darkness as fear is powerfully alluring. We see this recurrently playing out in all segments of our societies from business to politics to our social interactions. We see it even within our spiritual institutions. It’s much easier for us to see the bad qualities in a person than to see the good in them. The same holds true for ourselves. We are quick to judge ourselves harshly and slow to encourage and nurture our inner light. We slow down and stare at accidents on the road but rarely will we take the same time and intensity of attention to notice a kind act or beautiful sight.

Light is our Nature

That’s not because darkness is our nature. It’s not. Spend even a short time with a baby and you will see that there is nothing dark in their nature. They are pure and innocent. They have not yet had any influence. They have not seen anything yet but pure love. That genuine love is what we see reflected to us when we look at a newborn. It is that pure vibration that we are drawn to.

No. Darkness is not our nature. Darkness is learned. The darkness draws us because it vibrates harmonically with our fears. It grows in direct relation to our level of fear. With so much frightening information coming at us from all directions and in so many different formats and mediums, is it any wonder that we are scared so much of the time. Even if we are aware of our fearfulness, we may not realize that all that fear draws to us an equivalent amount of darkness.

Anchor Light

So how do we call back in the light and anchor it to keep it from vanishing just as quickly as it settles in. One way––my favorite––is with Crystals. They are themselves, solidified light. Simply holding one can call in and keep close the light. But which crystal can help us to anchor our light? Certain crystals are regarded as more grounding than others and can help us stay anchored as we call in more light. Those would be the darker, heavier stones like Smoky Quartz, Shungite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Jasper to name a few. Some say certain crystals are higher in vibration and bring more light like Quartz, Light Bud Stones, Selenite, the Lemurians for instance.

Truthfully though, light work does not quite follow such logic. Our harmonic fields and energy systems (ie. chakra, chi) are not static entities. They fluctuate and shift in each moment. There may be times where a dark/heavy stone will be the perfect thing to ground us, but it may sometimes be just the thing to raise our vibration. A sparkling bright crystal on the other hand may lift us into the light but it is just as possible to find that crystal grounds us instead. I have discovered that the effects a stone has on us actually depends more on how we happen to be vibrating in the moment than on what properties are assigned that particular type of crystal. 

The Right Crystal

I say this time and again and I’ll likely say it many times more … the stone being that will be best for you will be the one that you are most attracted to at the time. The crystal you most need in any particular moment, will reveal itself to you. If you are open, you will be shown the right crystal to connect with at the time.

The stone spirits are brilliant communicators and the Universe will always lead you to what is most needed in any particular moment. The key is trusting yourself. So if you want to anchor your light in harmony with a stone being, look to the one that is singing to you – the one that is shining most brightly – the one that the Universe is leading you to. You’ll know when you find the right one. Trust yourself. 


Originally published December 29, 2015
