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A Crystal Wedding


I had a dream that I was gathering crystals to march down the aisle with at my wedding. I gathered together:


  • A Selenight Wand (should have been Selenite but I choose to keep that “mistake”). That was my something new. 


  • A Quartz Crystal twin. This ancient being was my something old. That it was a twin represented the sacred union I was entering into.


  • A blue fluorite which was my something blue. I understand why it was Fluorite. This crystalline collective is here now for the awakening feminine and has much wisdom to offer a new bride about keeping her femininity without losing her sovereignty.


All of the crystals were all “borrowed” from the earth.



When I awoke it was with wonder and excitement. It’s really a deeply sacred experience to hear the crystals singing in dreamtime. Their song was one of creating new rituals and traditions in this ancient ceremony for lovers. They were showing me a new way in which they wanted to be offered … as crystalline companions to brides/grooms on their sacred day. I am shown also crystals on the guest tables laid out in harmonious grids or in stone bowls as centre pieces. A wedding is a magical event. Inviting in the presence of the stone beings powers the magic and infuses it with a spiritual light that is grounded in earth energy.

Crystals are natural record keepers. They would hold the memory of your special day in a much more magical way than a picture or video. They could show you in images if you wanted, but they carry something much deeper – the energy and unseen vibrations of sacred ceremony and love that is witnessed by love. What that means is that your romantic love is expressed in a circle of friends and family – people who love you and celebrate in your happiness. That is a very rare and precious thing. It does not happen very often. So when you picked up your sacred wedding stone and called forth the memory of the day you were wed, you would be inviting in the actual energy vibrations of the day … you would be feeling the love that you felt that day for your partner, from your partner and from your family. The essence of the actual, exact, original, unique, sacred ceremony recorded in a way that can’t be captured with a camera or in a journal.


A sacred Stone to journey through the generations …


Your wedding crystal(s) would journey with you through your lifetime, bringing the light of wisdom and love into your sacred union and the sacred space of your matrimonial home. It could be passed to your children and down through the generations. The forgotten way crystals used to journey through history and through ancestral lines.

I already took the trip down the aisle many years ago but if I was to do it again, I would take a crystal with me. Maybe even as a “bouquet” instead of the traditional flowers. A stone companion would ease my nervousness, infuse the walk with sacred light and bear witness to my sacred promise to my beloved.

I playfully thought about which crystals I would have chosen had I remembered my connection to the stone beings when I was getting married. They would be:


  • A Soul Twin crystal to represent myself and my soul mate – bride and groom.

  • A crystal cluster to represent family … the ones we come from and the one we are now creating that begins with the two of us.

  • An included crystal to represent the merging of our lives into one.


That would be my crystal bouquet.


Which crystals would you choose?
