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3 gifts of the crystals

The crystals have many gifts to offer us, but there are 3 that every single crystal has for you.

1. Unconditional love and acceptance

People think the crystal has to perform some magic or heal some etheric wound (though they do that too). However it is the sensation of being loved unconditionally that people crave but don’t recognize that draws them to crystal energy. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done (or haven’t done). The love is given openly.

That you have to be pure of heart to receive crystal love and magic is a myth. You could volunteer at a food bank or be a shoplifter. You could be empathetic or narcissistic. You can be an addict or an activist. The love you receive from a crystal is the same. This is what unconditional love is.

2. A personal message and medicine

Every crystal has a message and medicine for you. They can be one and the same. The message can be the medicine and the medicine can be the message. Though that is not necessarily the case.

Hearing a crystal’s message and receiving a crystal’s medicine is simple and easily accessible. Anyone can receive these things. The issue is only that we are so disconnected from the earth and from our own feelings that we can’t hear the stones and we can’t feel the subtle energies (and subtle does not mean that they are not powerful—they are indeed quite powerful).

Getting back in touch with the body and the earth can remedy this disconnect. There are many, many ways to do this. Holding and being with the crystals with an open heart and mind is all it takes, truly. And patience. The patience with yourself until you begin to receive. And you will with time and practice.

You can get there a little quicker with a guided practice. This is what we do during the live Crystal Earth Meditations. (We’ve taken a little break from them and the plan is to resume in January but I don’t make any promises. I don’t know what the crystals have planned for 2025.) Receiving a Star Song, or Crystal ORB experience is another way to accelerate your reconnection to the stone beings.

3. The gift of reflection

Every crystal will show you something about yourself. If you are willing to look. Some may argue over whether that is a gift or not. (I think that it is.) Because as drawn as we are to the crystals for their unconditional love, we are fearful and resistant of the powerful way in which they mirror our deepest selves back to us. There is nothing that we can hide from these masters of reflection. And there are some parts of ourselves that we don’t want to see.

The stones that are we are most repelled by are the ones which promise to reflect our most deeply hidden secrets. The shadow self. You don’t have to go there until you’re ready but when you are, there is no gentler guide.

And more

These are 3 gifts that every crystal offers. There are many more.